A Covid-19 experience

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A Covid-19 experience

Post by dtaai-maai »

So it's real. There really is a nasty virus out there.

I received an email this morning from MDMK, who lives in Holland. She got back from Egypt on Tuesday and was in hospital with Corvid 19 on Thursday night. It's a fascinating story and well told (but don't tell her I said so...) that will undoubtedly be of interest to many. There can be no doubt she got off lightly, but she's a mere youngster (comparatively speaking...) and has no underlying health issues.

It's particularly interesting to see how efficiently she was dealt with. I hope I never have to find out how the NHS compares...

[EDIT: Before you ask, I have her permission to post!]

I get home lunchtime Tuesday, and I basically sleep for 48 hours. Then I wake up Thursday and checked my temp as I felt awful. Had no temp, no symptoms, but felt so bad (depressed bad, not physically bad) I decide I must be having a nervous breakdown. So it was a bloody relief when I took my temp at 6pm to find I was running a fever of 39.9.

At first I thought the thermometer was faulty, I mean 39.9 is exceptionally high (for an adult), so Mike checked his (after disinfecting, yes, lol) and he was 36.2. So I just called the out of hours GP post, which in our city is attached to the hospital's A&E department. They triage you over the phone, and you don't get into the building at all without having been told to come. The triage nurse or whatever said this was one for the doc, so doc called me back more or less instantly. Told him my symptoms, told him I was just back from Egypt and stayed in a hotel where 2 days after I checked out 2 people were tested corona positive. So he said to come in straight away.... but they have split the GP bit into clean and "flu type" areas. Mike was to stay in the car or go home. No one is allowed in the hospital at all except patients or 1 parent/carer for the under 16s.

I went to the main door. Big sign told me "flu type people use bla bla door 5 meters to the right" so I went there. Rang bell, gave my name to security, who let me in and handed me a surgical mask (I say handed, but it's like at petrol stations... he puts it in a basin type thing then slides the opening to my side, so zero contact. Only when my mask is firmly on and he has checked it through the glass did he open the sliding door. I report to the reception bit and they took one look at me and said I wasn't well enough for the waiting room, as the sweat was lashing outa me by this point. So I got to skip the queue of about 5 and go first. GP looks at me, takes temp, listens to lungs and picks up the phone saying "Corona protocol, room 5 (or whatever)".

Then a hazmat dolly came and took me along the corridor to the iso room. Where another hazmat dolly nurse did blood tests, corona test, all known seasonal flu test(s) (bloody hurt by the way.... a bit of wire into the nose but I swear it goes right up into your brain). Then a hazmat doc came and listened to my lungs (oh yes and in the meantime I was on a paracetamol drip, to bring my temp down, and that worked a treat, went down to 38ish in around 2 hrs). Hazmat doc declared I needed lung xray. This was also partially because Egypt is such an unknown for them, Egypt is on a list that they are Corona "number fudgers".

So a hazmat radiology person came and took me to a special area set up just for lung xrays for the corona/flu/airway folks. Got them, go back to my wee room. If I needed anything no one even came in to the room. Everything, medical equipment, test kits, glass of water etc, came via a knock at the door, which I was to wait 10 seconds then open the door and pick up whatever was in front of it. All quite efficient and well thought out I would say. Results were back 2 and half hours after me entering the hospital, except the corona one, that came friday afternoon. Hazmat doc came back and said they were 99.9 sure I was covid19 positive, they would know for sure the next afternoon. Asked me where I felt, happier, being admitted or going home. I chose for home with the agreement if anything changed I'd come back. They kept me in most of the night though as my temp was going up and down, but they didn't admit me to the corona ward, I was sooo grateful for that, I got to stay in my wee kiddy iso room with Nemo and Squirt (and Winston Smith) and just slept for a good 4 or 5 hours. Hazmat doc comes at around 3am and said I could home, or could get admitted, whatever I wanted, I was medically a "borderline case" for admittance, so they were happy to let me go (with just antibiotics for the lungs and paracetamol for the fever).

Got up Friday and felt not too bad. Slept most of the day. But was quite good. Went to bed with a temp of 38.1 at 10pm, and then suddenly around 10.30 I felt quite awful. Temp had gone back up to 40.1. I shit myself and went through the whole shabang again, spent the night again in another iso room in the A&E, intravenous paracetamol brought my temp down quickly enough, then they just left me to sleep for a few hours and I got home around ???? not sure... 4 ish I think. So apart from 2 extreme temperature spikes... it was an easy flu. Had a pneumonia years ago and it was MUCH worse than this.

But, I have no underlying issues except high BP which isn't an issue.
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Re: A Covid-19 experience

Post by PeteC »

This thread is specifically for posts concerning any forum members or their families who may come down with Covid-19.

Hopefully it will remain a very short thread.
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Re: A Covid-19 experience

Post by caller »

Whilst sad to hear the experiences of a fellow forum member, it is good to hear that she came through it and is okay!
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Re: A Covid-19 experience

Post by PeteC »

caller wrote: Mon Mar 23, 2020 1:20 pm Whilst sad to hear the experiences of a fellow forum member, it is good to hear that she came through it and is okay!
Yes, we all second that. Please keep us updated MDMK on any subsequent follow up and testing you may need to do to assure your system is free of it.
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Re: A Covid-19 experience

Post by MDMK »

I will update if there is anything to update.... but I kinda think that's me now. I don't have to go to my GP or anything to get any type of "all clear", I get to judge that all on my own some.

The advice I was given in the hospital is: "when you are symptom free for 24hrs you can about your normal daily life"

I am now 24hrs symptom free - so I can go out and about (keeping the 1.5m distance rule of course)

But my husband has to continue self-isolation for another 10 days, as he could still develop it.

I won't be going out (or having contact with anyone except my husband) for the next few days at least.

It just seems weird to me that
1) My course of antibiotics doesn't run out until Wednesday
2) Technically I can return to work at this very minute
3) No one is actually checking me to see I am indeed over it
(or rather, the symptoms have indeed disappeared - I think they have, but how can I be sure? I think my breathing is normal again, but it's hard to say. I think my cough has disappeared, but I had a small coughing fit last night - covid19 symptom or just a normal cough that we all get if the mouthful of coffee goes down the wrong way? I have no idea)

I will of course err on the side of caution - when I am sure I am "over it" I will stay indoors for a good 72 hours after that, just to be on the safe side.... but.... the lack of "follow up, check up, all clear" is worrying, as many with the "don't give a toss" mentality would be back at work this morning and sitting in a packed carriage on the train to get there.

The only symptom I had that is easily measurable is body temp. That is now normal and has been for 24+ hrs

I am a smoker, a cough is par for the course. I think my shortness of breath has gone (that is, I think my lungs are now clear), but .... it's just all a bit "oh, if you think you're ok, then you must be ok".

Doesn't actually fill me with trust, lol.
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Re: A Covid-19 experience

Post by Dannie Boy »

I think the biggest issue is that the health services are so stretched that they don’t have time to follow up as they would in “normal” times. From what you have said, your stance seems to be very sensible and pragmatic - hopefully you have experienced the last of Covid-19.

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Re: A Covid-19 experience

Post by ahandpatsy »

Good you are ok i agree the wire up the nose is horrible lucky for me i not positive. Sadly in uk people not treating this seriously
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Re: A Covid-19 experience

Post by buksida »

Here is a report from a Singaporean that has had it in Thailand:
https://www.khaosodenglish.com/featured ... -thailand/

This was someone relatively young at 36, fit and healthy so it is pretty scary - including getting the bill at the end. :shock:

Those without insurance in Thailand would be well advised to remain in isolation unless they had a considerable stash to cover the costs.
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Re: Flying into Thailand, latest updates

Post by HHTel »

Well my daughter still stuck in the US and only recently the Washington embassy said they hope to have her on a repatriation flight sometime in September. The end was in sight.

Disaster! Her and her husband have been struck with covid! She's suffering all the symptoms including complete lack of taste. They live on a farm in the middle of nowhere and still got it.

Another set-back. She's 30 years old and will almost certainly recover. I've told her that there is an upside. That when she recovers, and she will, she'll have some immunity.

It never rains but it pours! Speaking of that there are two back to back storms heading her way.
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Re: A Covid-19 experience

Post by PeteC »

(Keep us up to date concerning her ordeal on this thread HHT)

I wish her well, we all do. :(
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Re: A Covid-19 experience

Post by HHTel »

I'll pass on the forum's good wishes.
Fortunately, because her husband is in the US Navy, the test was free. Otherwise it's 350 USD. They have to wait 4 days for the results but their doctor is pretty much convinced what the result will be.
Andre, her husband, pretty much knows how he got it. One of his duties was to ferry inmates from the local jail to and from hospital. Yes both he and the inmates wore masks but the sneaky virus still found a way in. As he says, they are the only people he's been in contact with.
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Re: A Covid-19 experience

Post by migrant »

Sorry to hear of her bad fortune when things were starting to come together! I can relate to the excitement when things seem to line up but then to have it all fall apart, heartbreaking!!
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Re: A Covid-19 experience

Post by HHTel »

Well she's back at the farm. The main house is undamaged but there's no power or water which is not expected to be back for one or two weeks. Consequently, she's currently sleeping in the car.

She's still suffering quite bad with the covid although she says she's feeling a little better and hopes the worst has passed.
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Re: A Covid-19 experience

Post by Lost »

Hope it all works out for everyone HHTel. Such a shitty situation... the whole thing. As you said, 'When it rains it pours'.

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Re: A Covid-19 experience

Post by HHTel »

Found out why my daughter is sleeping in the car. Contact with her is very limited due to the lack of power and internet.
However, I managed to speak with her this morning. They are currently camping out in a shopping centre car park. No water or electricity at the farm for the next week or two. The shopping centre has power and working toilets hence her move to the car park. There are others of course. Not ideal in a world of covid. She already has it but she says that she puts a mask on when she goes into the mall. "That's just about all I can do, Dad. Too late for Andre and me but I try to protect other people".

What a nightmare.
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