Anybody ever meet up?

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Handsome Buddha
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Anybody ever meet up?

Post by Handsome Buddha »

I know some of you lucky people got together for a HHAD night not long ago, but I was wondering if you got together on a regular basis. Obviously it's a bit difficult if you're thousands of miles away (like me)
Anyhow, I'm coming to HH just after xmas to play golf. We normally end up being paired up with a couple of complete strangers, so if anybody fancies making up a fourball (or more) get in touch (especially if you're a Michelle Wie lookalike) It'd be good to meet up with some of you guys & pick your brains.
Sir Puttalot
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Post by Sir Puttalot »

I'm over in HH at Christmas and I will be playing golf so if you want a game get in touch, but if you want a bet please ensure you bring your handicap certificate I've been burnt before by jokers playing off a so called 27 and playing out of their skin and saying it's been one of them days, ideally if you play less than 18 its not really a problem
Handsome Buddha
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Post by Handsome Buddha »

I was really looking for somebody who could present me with more of a challenge. Saturday morning, once a week handicappers don't really do it for me! :guns:
Thanks anyway, I'll bear you in mind.
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Post by JD »

Handsome Buddha wrote:I was really looking for somebody who could present me with more of a challenge. Saturday morning, once a week handicappers don't really do it for me! :guns:
Thanks anyway, I'll bear you in mind.
Now I know nothing about golf, I wake up and start work just as the sun comes up and don’t finish before well after it’s gone down. But isn’t the whole point of recreational golf a matter of good company, sharing advice and help with them you choose to spend your time with. Don’t you just play to entertain and improve your own skills rather than denigrate your opponents lack of such things.

I understand the challenge aspect, and I know there are many golf societies in Hua Hin where you can get a competitive atmosphere if that is what you want.

I don’t play golf as I say, the only time I played, after four hits (misses) on the first hole some one behind me said, ‘come back tomorrow lad, and fan it some more’. Made everyone and me laugh. But how else do you learn?

I love snooker and can get regular breaks in the 35 - 40 mark, but when I play someone who is a novice, I don’t keep score, and we play an any ball available game, (keep potting ‘till you miss), regardless of the rules. This get’s them used to potting balls and helps their confidence. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a competitive sort of chap, but there is no point in causing grief for someone you already know is not a patch on your own skills. There is much more reward in helping someone to understand and teach the intricacies of your sport than just ride all over them for your own self gratification.
Per Angusta In Augusta.
Handsome Buddha
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Post by Handsome Buddha »

I don't have a problem with Sir Puttalot learning the game, as long as he's not on the course at the same time as me.
I'll put money on the fact that he slices the ball, & you're never really safe when there's somebody like that around! :cuss:
It would give me no satisfaction to take money off a novice.
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Post by DawnHRD »

Handsome Buddha wrote:I don't have a problem with Sir Puttalot learning the game, as long as he's not on the course at the same time as me.
I'll put money on the fact that he slices the ball, & you're never really safe when there's somebody like that around! :cuss:
It would give me no satisfaction to take money off a novice.
Wow! Do you tolerate novices at anything? :wink:
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Sir Puttalot
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Post by Sir Puttalot »

For your information Mr Fat T**T Bhudda I play to county standard, and after your reply you are certainly not the kind of individual I would like to spend the best part of 4 hours with.

Perhaps you always win because you are always playing with yourself.

Billy no mates!
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Post by JimmyGreaves »

JD wrote:
Handsome Buddha wrote:I was really looking for somebody who could present me with more of a challenge. Saturday morning, once a week handicappers don't really do it for me! :guns:
Thanks anyway, I'll bear you in mind.
Now I know nothing about golf, I wake up and start work just as the sun comes up and don’t finish before well after it’s gone down. But isn’t the whole point of recreational golf a matter of good company, sharing advice and help with them you choose to spend your time with. Don’t you just play to entertain and improve your own skills rather than denigrate your opponents lack of such things.

I understand the challenge aspect, and I know there are many golf societies in Hua Hin where you can get a competitive atmosphere if that is what you want.

I don’t play golf as I say, the only time I played, after four hits (misses) on the first hole some one behind me said, ‘come back tomorrow lad, and fan it some more’. Made everyone and me laugh. But how else do you learn?

I love snooker and can get regular breaks in the 35 - 40 mark, but when I play someone who is a novice, I don’t keep score, and we play an any ball available game, (keep potting ‘till you miss), regardless of the rules. This get’s them used to potting balls and helps their confidence. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a competitive sort of chap, but there is no point in causing grief for someone you already know is not a patch on your own skills. There is much more reward in helping someone to understand and teach the intricacies of your sport than just ride all over them for your own self gratification.
Well spoken JD, agree entirely!
Handsome Buddha
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Post by Handsome Buddha »

Look Fartalot, you can play in any county you want, as long as it's not the same one as me.
You seem to have a very aggressive attitude, are you vertically challenged?
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Post by Jaime »

Hey fellas, remember this one - it got Kenny Everett banned from the BBC (the first time):

Golfer - I'd like to book a tee-off time please.
Golf club man - I'm sorry sir, you are not welcome at our club.
Golfer - Not welcome!? But I'm a Country Member!
Golf club man - Yes sir, I do remember - that's why you're not welcome!

:oops: :twisted:
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Post by JW »

If your a decent golfer HAndsome Buddah you should be looking to encourage people to play, you learn a lot from playing with better players.
Very confused by your attitude.
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Post by Lev »

Lets keep the flaming out of this thread please, or you kids will have your balls confiscated.
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Post by Farang »

Confiscated balls?

You do know how to perform microsurgery?
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Post by Limey711 »

Handsome Buddha

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Post by Gutte »

Handsome Buddha, please don't come to Hua Hin!
Your attitude is the worst I have seen on this forum so far.
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