Why Are There so Many Gay Men in Thailand?

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Re: Why Are There so Many Gay Men in Thailand?

Post by HHTel »

A few years ago, a Thai school was the first in Thailand and the world by introducing a third toilet for the 'third sex' so I can understand why,for some, it becomes a fashion.
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Re: Why Are There so Many Gay Men in Thailand?

Post by Jimbob »

Not just men or isolated to cities
When in my GF's home village she would comment which local woman was now batting for the same side or has always been openly a Tom. Lots of gay men leave for the big city anyway for work. Local attitude was live your own life.
Having said that the village idiot has been raped a few times by local men.
At one event I have had men want to dance with just to say they have danced with a Farang. An Aussie friend when in deepest Isaan was offered money to go with he thought were straight guys. Shook him up as he was not handsome.
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Re: Why Are There so Many Gay Men in Thailand?

Post by jumusman »

booboo wrote:Having lived here for many years I think there are a lot of Gay Thai Men here, it's just they are not so in your face as in Bangkok or Pattaya, I have a Thai friend who has worked in the Hotel trade here for 10 years, and he says you would not believe what goes on in the Hotel rooms, he reckons 90% of Thai married men will have sex with another man without batting an eye lid, and they don't consider themselves Gay, it's just accepted here !
I don't think your question should be why are there so many gay men in Thailand, but why do you see so many openly gay people. Well it depends where you live right ? If you live in San Francisco you would also have the same question but the answer would be because its an extremely liberal city and people are allowed to be themselves.

Religion also plays a large part in it, I don't believe Buddha ever mentioned homosexuality as a sin and looked down upon it like most of the medieval outdated religions of today so nobody is going to sit at the side of the street somewhere in Thailand with a sign that says "God hates fags", this would happen in Texas or Alabama or any other bible thumping state without a second thought.

I look at it both logically and scientifically, I believe people are born gay, almost 10% of the animal kingdom performs sexual acts on the same sex (You can google that, its fact plain and simple), its just a normal part of life in humans and animals/mammals, we were created a certain way so I think there are roughly the same percentage of gay people in any country in the world, just some countries are forward thinking and understand it as a normal part of existence and treat all human beings the same therefore allowing them to show their true selves instead of having to hide it.

And then some countries live their life and base their laws on books written 1000's of years ago that worked with middle eastern sheep hearders living in the desert but doesn't really translate into modern times...
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Re: Why Are There so Many Gay Men in Thailand?

Post by LolaBeltran »

Jumusman. . thanks for the excellent post. :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
It is spot on, based on fact and very well written. Definitely a cut above many of the posts on this topic that one sees here and elsewhere on such forums. I could have written this myself based on my long experience teaching in many parts of the world. Be nice to see your post as the final word here! :D :D :D
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Re: Why Are There so Many Gay Men in Thailand?

Post by GLCQuantum »

LolaBeltran wrote:Jumusman. . thanks for the excellent post.
I could have written this myself...
Not one to blow your own trumpet, are you? :wink:

There are of course many gay folk. People who like the same sex. They act normal but are attracted to the same sex. Nothing wrong with that. But when did 'being gay' mean that you have to prance about like a fairy and be over-the-top. That part was very well addressed in Spitfire's post. It's brainwashing at it's most potent.
Be nice to see your post as the final word here
Didn't happen.
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Re: Why Are There so Many Gay Men in Thailand?

Post by Vital Spark »

I think it's a combination of rather too many X chromosomes and culture. In general, Thai men are not particularly masculine (from a western female point of view) - narrow shoulders, skinny legs, lack of body hair, and lacking in the muscle department. Many of my straight students could be easily transformed into a pretty looking lady with a wig and a bit of make-up. The Thai culture is more accepting of displays of affection between males and males than that of males and females. The student dormitories do not allow mixed sexes sharing the same building - boys sharing beds is OK, boys and girls sharing is a big no, no. They're also at the exploring stage (in regard to sex), and same sex relationships are far easier (and accepted...?). I feel sorry for the girls looking for a real man, as their choices are severely limited.

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Re: Why Are There so Many Gay Men in Thailand?

Post by jumusman »

Spitfire wrote:No idea what the hell is fly through their minds and many of them find it hard to just shut the fcuk up and listen.

Seems to me if I remember being back in college I didn't know what the hell was going on in my mind and what I wanted to be in life, I felt like the"real world" was just beginning and I was scared to join what my parents and teachers were trying to prepare me for, no more free rent, mortgage payments, car payments etc. Isn't "I have no idea what the hell I am doing" flying through every college students minds at that age or was it just me ??
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Re: Why Are There so Many Gay Men in Thailand?

Post by jumusman »

GLCQuantum wrote:This is something that I've thunk about from the very first trip I made here twenty years ago.

There's nothing wrong with being actually gay...nothing at all, but in Thailand it seems to be a 'lifestyle choice' for many. There is an extremely irregular ratio of heterosexual to homosexual men in the country. Scrap that actually... I mean in cities in and around around BKK. Up North, I think the guys are all a 'bit of both' and will take anything they get offered. They don't actually present themselves as 'queens' though. Down south, I don't see nearly as many as in the middle of the country.

Having worked in the education system for 11 years here, I've seen first hand how 'gay guys' develop. From being a little feminine in early age, to being downright ghastly by M3...(see below pic)


I have worked in a government school from time to time (have to teach the riff raff now and again. International School man me, but have to put food on the table) and the ratio becomes 50/50 (gay/not gay) in many areas. Most heterosexual boys have dropped out already. Some of the gay guys do tend to study harder here, I'll give them that.

It's just not natural though, is it! Parents encouraging their 12-13 year old child to 'act' gay. Students and parents alike laughing at his antics in school. Friends screaming and applauding when he starts twerking and grinding on the school stage. I've had more than a couple of gay students think it was cool to come on to me. Chat me up. Whilst I am somewhat ravishing, gay guys must learn to show some self-control; Women have managed to do so for most of my 32 years, so I don't see why they can't. No control.

So what is in the water here that turns guys 'gay'?

Like a mosquito in a nudist colony, I don't even know where to start...

The title of the post is misleading then. Your question is in regards to the effeminacy of the homosexuals you see in Thailand, not why are there so many in general. Am I correct ?

"There is an extremely irregular ratio of heterosexual to homosexual men in the country." Based on what ? what do you consider extremely irregular ?

"I think the guys are all a 'bit of both' and will take anything they get offered" again, this is based on what ? personal experience ? otherwise how do you know what they would take. And I believe the official word you are looking for is bisexual right ?

"Having worked in the education system for 11 years here, I've seen first hand how 'gay guys' develop. From being a little feminine in early age, to being downright ghastly"

Sorry to hear you have to work in such a "ghastly" or uncomfortable work environment. Maybe you should choose a different line of work.

"Some of the gay guys do tend to study harder here, I'll give them that." That's good to hear. I wasn't aware of a study done that shows a correlation between IQ level and sexual preferences but please point me in the right direction if there is a medical journal or paper I can read to show a correlation either way.

"It's just not natural though, is it! Parents encouraging their 12-13 year old child to 'act' gay." At this point you are showing your true colors. By using the phrase "acting gay" you seem to be saying there is only one way that gay people act and you dissaprove of it. And what part is not natural to you ?

I am somewhat ravishing, gay guys must learn to show some self-control; I guess this was your attempt at humor ? Otherwise it was a hopeless attempt at the age old homophobic stereotype that gay men just want to have sex all the time and with everyone they possibly can, especially you.

"So what in the water here turns guys gay". Again an attempt of humor with a seemingly serious question laying below the surface ? People are born gay, its not a choice. I would assume nobody would ever choose a life on purpose where they are verbally and physically abused.
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Re: Why Are There so Many Gay Men in Thailand?

Post by Vital Spark »

Jumusman: If you were a teacher here (I guess you're not), you would understand exactly what GLCQ and Spitfire are talking about.

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Re: Why Are There so Many Gay Men in Thailand?

Post by jumusman »

Vital Spark wrote:Jumusman: If you were a teacher here (I guess you're not), you would understand exactly what GLCQ and Spitfire are talking about.

I am not a teacher correct. I don't see Thai's in school so specific to that environment I don't know what's happening. But for the real world and having lived in both Hua Hin and Pattaya for 5 years I see ladyboy's, gay men, tom boys, everything that's out there just like everyone that lives in Thailand.
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Re: Why Are There so Many Gay Men in Thailand?

Post by pharvey »

Some question(s) for those living in Thailand, and I guess more so to the likes of GLCQ and Vital Spark who are dealing day to day (in education) with the younger generation: -

* What is the definition of gay - male to male (sexual or otherwise), female to female (sexual or otherwise), or simply males being effeminate? Have to say that during my time spent in Thailand, I've met many effeminate Thai men who were certainly not homosexual - in the UK you would class them as gay on first meeting... guaranteed.
* Lesbians in Thailand, or mostly Gay boys/men?
* Third Gender - gay, confused or just found their place?

Going on to the sordid/adult side, how much is due to prostitution - actually gay or simply looking for a buck?
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