Electricity and Water Charges

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Re: Electricity and Water Charges

Post by thecolonel »

malcolminthemiddle wrote:For information, Thai landlords are required by law to charge electricity and water fees at the standard rates set by utility authorities.

https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/ge ... g-up-bills
Yet another example of a law in word only!

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Re: Electricity and Water Charges

Post by Robinhood »

Can anyone confirm the details of the Consumer Act regarding only charging the utility rates?

I know a small business owner who is paying 7 Baht a unit, and is not allowed to see the electricity meter. Apparently, twice as many UNITS are being used March 2024 as March 2023.

I want to suggest some positive actions, but when the business owner has questioned the bill before, they have been told pay up , or move out.
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Re: Electricity and Water Charges

Post by HHTel »

Not sure if this helps:
A year ago a new law came into place that applies to rent properties in Thailand. Named the Thai Rental Law, it affects rental properties that form part of a business. Any person who owns in excess of five rental properties is now classed as a business operator who has a contract controlled business. Landlords who have less than this magic number are not bound by these new regulations, so the following does not apply.

For those who do, there is a change in how utilities are charged, the deposit and the termination of the tenancy. Starting with the utilities, business operators are not allowed to charge to their tenants an inflated price for the utilities. A practice that is commonly used as a way for the business operator to generate an additional income.
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