Odd Shaped Balls

Discussion on sports not relating to Hua Hin; football, rugby, motorsports, fantasy leagues and armchair sports fans meet here.
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Post by dtaai-maai »

Randy Cornhole wrote:I have been to hundred's rugby matches, home and international and I have NEVER seen a fight!!
Well, only on the pitch!

turok mentioned both sports in his original posting, so I suppose it's fair enough to continue to do so, but it would be a shame to turn this into a rugby v. soccer debate. They are two completely different sports. Besides, most rugby fans enjoy following football as well. I know bubbly was engaging in a mild wind-up, but rugby fans tend to want to defend the game against ignorant comments like that, rather than slag off football. My advice to bubbly would be to watch some of the World Cup games with an open mind, in the company of rugby fans (no clever comments, mind, you don't want your underpants set alight).

One of the things that really annoys me about Association Football is that cheating has become an intrinsic and accepted part of the game. How often have you heard a commentator say, after a dodgy foul has been given, and while the player is rolling on the ground in agony, "Well, there was contact." And how often have you seen a player "go down" unnecessarily in order to win a free kick, when he might have scored if he'd just kept going.

I've noticed the merest hint of this sort of thing creeping into rugby since the game turned professional - not feigning injury (hardly necessary in rugby), but exaggerating a block off the ball for example. But rugby has become a much more entertaining sport in the last 25 years or so. You don't get many 3-3 draws nowadays. The players at the top level are phenomenal athletes, and we are a long way from the days when forwards were big, slow, shoving machines who usually dropped the ball if it was passed to them. Look at the speed and coordination of the 6'8" 2nd row forwards these days.

As a regular watcher of both sports, I'll far more often get bored watching soccer. I switched off the Challenge Shield at half-time.

On a different question it's debatable whether or not England were the best team in the last World Cup. They were certainly one of the best two or three teams in the world. What's not debatable is that they were (and still are) World Champions. How often does the best team win a cup competition? And how boring would it be if they did? Were Greece the best soccer team in Europe? Don't think so...

And along with Jaime, I'm still curious about these 1 dayers at Twickenham... obviously bubbly knows nothing about cricket either!
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Post by ozuncle »

Randy Cornhole wrote: 5. I could go on, but you get the drift.....
Note - football is good for one thing, this is it keeps all the thugs away from genuine sports. Having said that it seems to be affecting cricket now, the barmy army is a case in point.
Randy whats wrong with the barmy army?
Last time they came to Aus they provided lots of laughs and had a great time even thougjh their team lost.
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Post by turok »

OK, so didn't imagine that this post would take off quite the way it did!!!!

Randy, as (I presume) you are a HH local or at least regular and an avid fan of the real game, where would you recommend watching the World Cup in Hua Hin?

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Post by Condoking »

There is a more subtle difference between Rugby and Football other than the shape of the balls:

Rugby is a beastly game played by Gentlemen, Soccer is a Gentlemens game played by beasts; Football (that funny american game) is a beastly game played by Beasts.
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Post by dtaai-maai »

Nice quote, Condoking. I'd heard it before, but it didn't sound quite right. I was wrong, of course, but while I was finding that out I came across a few other quotes that tickled my fancy.

(American) Football is a mistake. It combines the two worst elements of American life. Violence and committee meetings.

Being in politics is like being a football coach. You have to be smart enough to understand the game, and dumb enough to think it's important.
Eugene McCarthy (1916 - 2005)

Being a woman is of special interest to aspiring male transexuals. To actual women it is simply a good excuse not to play football.
Fran Lebowitz (1950 - )

If you drink don't drive. Don't even putt.
Dean Martin
(Sorry, it's of no relevance to football of any kind, but it's a fine quote.)

American football makes rugby look like a Tupperware party. ~Sue Lawley, 1985 (Outrageous - she clearly doesn't know anything about anything)

Rugby football is a game I can't claim absolutely to understand in all its niceties, if you know what I mean. I can follow the broad, general principles, of course. I mean to say, I know that the main scheme is to work the ball down the field somehow and deposit it over the line at the other end and that, in order to squalch this programme, each side is allowed to put in a certain amount of assault and battery and do things to its fellowman which, if done elsewhere, would result in fourteen days without the option, coupled with some strong remarks from the Bench. ~P.G. Wodehouse, Very Good, Jeeves, 1930

Rugby is a beastly game played by gentlemen. Soccer is a gentleman's game played by beasts. Football is a beastly game played by beasts. ~Henry Blaha, 1972
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odd shaped balls

Post by bubbly »

Well firstly can i thank you for calling me a thug!!!! I suppose i did last get into a fight at school 23 years ago so i guess i qualify to your synopsis. Kinda guess your a rugby fan too cos all you could do was slag football off.
I don't know where you got some of your imfo from. I go to quite a few prem footy games following Newcastle and i've drunk with most opposition fans,be it in the Stanley arms at Everton,Sam dodds Liverpool,The cap and gown Villa and too many more to mention.Myself and two Villa fans shared the journey up to St James on saturday and i don't remember a fight breaking out in the car!!! Persoally i've never seen a hint of trouble in the bars we go in and i've never seen it at a game either. I can drink in my local and talk to football fans and never feel threatened. Fans mix everywhere.
I guess you'd never get rivalry between two university rugby teams????
or when two or three people carriers turn up at the local and a team of 6ft plus rugby players get out,take over the pub with drunken rowdy behavior and empty the place with intimidation. Of course this would never happen!!!! Rugby players can hold their drink can't they????
If you take the Roy Keane comment, he made it a few days after two geordie players requested transfers to london to be near to their families. As the Sunderland manager i think its pretty obvious why he would say such a thing,just to conjour up some hatred in the north east. Thats Roy Keane for you. If your looking for a thug in football,theres your man. After what he did to Alf DeHaaland he should have been thrown out of the sport altogether. Anyway,one cliche you never came out with was the 22 men kicking a bag of wind thing. It usually gets mentioned with all the other tired old cliches you managed to remember.

P.S. don't know if your aware but Frank Zappa is dead along with Evelien the modified dog.ARF SHE SAID!!!!! ha ha ha ha!!!!!
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Post by turok »

This has had a couple of days to cool off now :wink:

Hopefully I've now got enough posts to add a link to the fixtures for those interested in the upcoming World Cup (Rugby, of course!!!)

http://www.rugbyworldcup.com/home/fixtu ... stage.html

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odd shaped balls

Post by bubbly »

I wasn't mad Turok or even hot under the collar. However it just gets boring hearing the same old waffle aimed at football from rugby followers. I would never slag off rugby. I don't personally follow it but i know 100's of people do. Its as if rugby fans are nearly jelous of footballs popularity and feel the need to say something every time football is mentioned.
Sorry if i came over all angry(not a thug honest)

Maybe you should stay with yo mama!
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Re: odd shaped balls

Post by BaaBaa. »

bubbly wrote:I would never slag off rugby.
I would, its Shit. :twisted: :D
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odd shaped balls

Post by bubbly »

so are the artic monkeys but people like them too baabaa!!!!
Changing the subject completely,how many posts does it take to get a chilli thingy????
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Re: odd shaped balls

Post by turok »

BaaBaa. wrote:
bubbly wrote:I would never slag off rugby.
I would, its Shit. :twisted: :D
With a wicked sparkle in his eye, BaaBaa attempts to re-ignite the blue touch paper!

Come on BaaBaa, you're fooling no-one - even your Message Board handle is the name for one of the greatest traditions in organised sport!!

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Post by Wanderlust »

I (have) played and watched both sports and as far as one being 'better' than the other, then that is a load of odd shaped balls! However, should someone find themselves in such a debate, a guaranteed way to 'win' the argument is to state, completely correctly, that if it wasn't for Association Football, Rugby Football would not exist. Of course it winds up rugby fans no end, but it is the truth. And I believe that is why there is so much animosity (albeit supposedly humorous) directed towards football from rugby fans.
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Re: odd shaped balls

Post by Wanderlust »

turok wrote:
BaaBaa. wrote:
bubbly wrote:I would never slag off rugby.
I would, its Shit. :twisted: :D
With a wicked sparkle in his eye, BaaBaa attempts to re-ignite the blue touch paper!

Come on BaaBaa, you're fooling no-one - even your Message Board handle is the name for one of the greatest traditions in organised sport!!

What is that then? Singing nursery rhymes? Sheep shagging? :D
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Re: odd shaped balls

Post by turok »

Wanderlust wrote:
turok wrote:
BaaBaa. wrote: I would, its Shit. :twisted: :D
With a wicked sparkle in his eye, BaaBaa attempts to re-ignite the blue touch paper!

Come on BaaBaa, you're fooling no-one - even your Message Board handle is the name for one of the greatest traditions in organised sport!!

What is that then? Singing nursery rhymes? Sheep shagging? :D
Sheep shagging should not be organised - its the spontaneity that makes it fun!!!!!

Barbarians Rugby Football Club - otherwise know as the Might Baa Baas

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Post by tigger »

Both sports are contested by atheletes of the highest calibre. Although I played alot of football in my day, I will say one thing for the rugby guys. They don't argue or make an issue if penilised, they just get on with the game. Very commendable considering the agression. Rugby.. not my cup of tea, but respect to you guys.
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