Drugged in the Hilton

Discussion on where to go when the sun goes down in Hua Hin; bars, pubs, clubs, karaoke and general nightlife.
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Post by edwinadanish »

I read allthis story and I see a lot of sense here but I can not aree with people who say walk away... Thailand has many nice things but for me after a year or two here in total I see one big problem - social degeneration. They ride the bikes with no knwledge the harm they do when the baby alls off, the put the helmet on but wihout the strap fixed, the people here look up so much to the rich when the rich just do what they want and now as a woman I see more and so more girls jsut looking for easy money and not happy they want o steal it too. I sound like a vicar but people who came from places with principles must stay with themfor themself if no other thing or we all ge to be jsut driven and ruled by the money. his is why the writer has to react to the thing that happened not just walk away I think...
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What would I do?

Post by Wiseman »

A very good question hobiecat!

The very first thing that I would do is exactly as bj did and make others aware and I must congratulate them on that!

However, I think that if this happened in my country, I would report it to the police, who at the very least would take a blood test to confirm that I had been drugged. Forensic evidence would be imperative in such a case.

If the drugging was confirmed then there would be a detailed investigation including utilizing CCTV footage both at the Hilton and in other possible areas which would ccoroborate bj's identification of the suspects.

Probably an arrest and conviction would ensue resulting in justice for all.

However, this process would undoubtedly ensure that the matter would become public knowledge and would likely cause some personal problems from loved ones as to what I was doing cavorting with prostitutes in a location of ill repute.

From bj's original forum, the police here were either unwilling or unable to undertake such action and there is little he can do about it.

What I would certainly NOT do in my home country is take the law into my own hands and openly admit it in an open forum. This could lead to my identification and subsequent arrest and conviction for conspiring to commit an assault which would almost certainly lead to a term of imprisonment for myself.

I do not profess to be always right, but I am only expressing an opinion and I hope that it is accepted as I accept yours.

Thanks again for letting us all know about this unfortunate incident!

Cheers :cheers:
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Post by DawnHRD »

Agreed, Wiseman.

Yes, it's disgusting that people are being drugged in order to rob them. Just as it's disgusting that the same drugs are being used to sexually assault women in the West.

But how does it suddenly become OK or justifiable to pay to 'punish' the perpetrators? Does the loss of the girl's looks through scarring or the breaking of her limbs make up for the loss of money? How is that right? Where does the 'victim' stop being the victim and become the criminal? Just because the police force is inept, it's OK to revert to the law of the jungle?

And of course, no trial, no witnesses, just a self-appointed judge, who may even be punishing the wrong girls. Sorry, not right at all, IMO.
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Post by Wanderlust »

While I agree with the sentiments of Dawn and Wiseman, at the same time something does need to be done to prevent this sort of thing happening. Posting on here helps, but more publicity is needed as well as the Hilton being made aware of it - only large venues like that have enough 'cover' for it to happen. A police report should also be filed (if it hasn't already) even if the police say they can't do anything purely so if this happens repeatedly the police can at least begin to build up a better picture (i.e. is it the same people, is it organised crime or freelancers, times, days etc). As it stands the police get criticised for inaction but this isn't exactly an easy case to solve if the victims don't tell them because they feel nothing will be done - and of course the perpetrators rely on this to be able to continue. The very definition of a vicious circle.
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Post by sandman67 »

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