What would you most like to see new in an HH bar?

Discussion on where to go when the sun goes down in Hua Hin; bars, pubs, clubs, karaoke and general nightlife.
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Post by Jankou »

I like to see happy people, smile etc... :thumb: :D
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Post by santa »

Beguine, I dissagree that Rockestra tried to appeal only to Thais. We had some great times there, and always made welcome. I'll really miss it.
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Post by THAM »

How about a bar where the girls are nicely dressed?
A bar that continues to have friendly girls even after you have sat down to have a drink at the bar.
Soi bindabaht is bad for this one.
Girls wave you into the place, you order your drink, and then they are off to the road waving in more guys like you are not even there.
I hate that !!!
Prettier girls !!
Get rid of the old hags at some of these places !!!
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Post by DawnHRD »

As far as I know, bar owners allocate the job of encouraging in customers to some girls, so it's their job to get you settled & then go & try to get new customers.
As for the girls being better dressed, each to their own. Some guys prefer LBDs & high heels on girls, some prefer hotpants & flip flops.
Oh, and I'm sure the girls are heartbroken that they don't meet your standards in the aesthetic department. They must be crying into their lady drinks that they don't match up to a stud like you. Let's face it, you could be the best looking guy alive, but any woman would be lucky to avoid a guy that would call them "hags". Guess charm isn't your strong point... :roll:
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Post by JW »

Nice reply Dawn!
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Post by Ken »

Tham wrote in another post.

'I agree with Flyboy.
Treat the girls nicely with respect and kindness and you won't believe the fun you'll have and the friends you'll make.
If the girls like and respect you, you will have less likely a chance of being ripped off.
I think you run a bigger risk of being ripped off in BKK or Pattaya vs. Hua Hin.
I personally never heard of a girl ripping someone off in Hua hin.
I have been going there for the last 3 years for several months at a time.

Oh by the way, most of the girls talk to each other and each guy will have a certain reputation. If you have a reputation for treating girls poorly it will catch up with sooner or later no matter where you are.

But always keep your head straight regarding your money and passport.
Always know and keep track where those items are.
Don't leave large sums of money and or valuables in plain sight for anyone to see when visiting your room.
Even though most people are honest temptation can even get the best of the most honest people sometimes. So don't tempt them.

A good rule I always follow is:
If you would not do it back at home don't do it here !!!!
I would never leave large sums of cash or valuables in plain sight back home especially with someone I just met for the evening.
So why would I do it here?'

Ok, Tham shouldn't have used the word 'hags' but sorry when you read the other post I feel Dawn's comments are maybe unfair.

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Post by DawnHRD »

With all due respect, Ken:

Tham made the post I objected to at 8:27am

I made the reply you thought unfair at 10:29am

Tham made the post you quoted at 11:29am.

I'm sure you can see the chronology here. I don't know Tham from Adam & I don't have a problem with him, personally. I had a problem with the way he referred to bargirls on this post of this thread He may or may not have changed his tune after reading my post, or he may have thought the way he later posted all the time & just phrased his post wrongly. How do I know? :?

I find a good rule of thumb is to gain an overall impression of someone, over time by reading many of their posts, but, challenge anyone that says something that you find objectionable (without being offensive or over personal). That's the point of a forum. We all have our opinions and are entitled to voice them - with the understanding that someone (me in Tham's case, you in mine) is sure to disagree! :thumb: :wink:
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Post by Ken »

Yes, I noticed the timing but I doubt very much if it was done in response to your post but maybe Tham can enlighten us. If everybody had the same opinion, there would only be one post per topic so we are agreed there. :D
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Post by splitlid »

there are a lot of older women in some of the bars, they really must be put to pasture. :D :shock: :D

hows that dawn??? :D
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Post by DawnHRD »

That's phrased much better, splitlid, thank you. :D

I'm sorry about my post, I didn't realise then that there was a new policy against anyone who wasn't young & beautiful. Now that I do, I'll shut up. :oops:

Just one thing, does that apply to men, too? If so, the bars are going to lose one hell of a lot of custom! :P :twisted: :thumb:
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Post by JW »

I dont psycho analyse anyone over time, i reply to each post as it comes, peoples moods change - sometimes good sometimes bad, so I treat each post on its merits.

Tham wrote -"Get rid of the old hags at some of these places !!!
These old hags are normal people who more often than not are the first ones to come and get you a beer.
I just didnt feel that was cool!
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A reply for the Politically Correct Police

Post by THAM »

Hi Dawn nice to meet you! LOL

I am very respectful of all people and cultures.
Splitlid has rephrased my thoughts in a manner that is more pleasant to the ear but basically he has restated what I said previous. LOL!!!

I think your response to my post is a little hostile and I still do not understand why?

The subject of this forum is what you would like to see in a bar.
It isn't what do you think of my ideas or opinion.
It seems you have taken personal offense to my post but I have no idea why?
I didn't refer to all bargirls as being "hags".

And JW "hags" are not normal people like you or I.

I believe both you and JW have misunderstood what the word "hag" means so therefore below I have listed a reference for you by the Merriam Webster online dictionary.
I will continue to explain my case exactly so there is no doubt as to what I was saying.

There are many pleasantly sweet honest attractive older women that work in Hua Hin and I have no problem with that.

I do have a problem when I am harassed by a dishonest old ugly woman a.k.a. "HAG" to buy a her drinks.
They are the ones that usually tend to artificially pad your bill at the end of the night for drinks you never ordered for them.
People who fraudulently increase your tab are not good people and are not normal people like you or I by any definition.
I will give you the benefit of the doubt, since I don't know you both, that you are "normal people"

Therefore, the requirements are met for Merriam Webster’s definition of "hag" an old, evil, and ugly woman.

Definition of "hag" by Merriam Webster online:

Main Entry: 1hag
Pronunciation: 'hag
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English hagge demon, old woman
1 : an ugly, slatternly, or evil-looking old woman
2 archaic a : a female demon b : an evil or frightening spirit : HOBGOBLIN
- hag•gish /'ha-gish/ adjective

hag 1 (hg)
1. An old woman considered ugly or frightful.
a. A witch; a sorceress.
b. Obsolete A female demon.
3. A hagfish.

Dawn, as far as your statements "to a stud like you" and "guess charm isn't your strong point...â€
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Post by JW »


fair enough, i just thought you were having a dig at the girls who are not great looking, Usually they are the most fun!
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Post by DawnHRD »


I'm sorry if I offended you or came over as unnecessaily hostile. I was responding to what I thought was (and still do, I'm afraid) a post offensive to bargirls who don't meet your exacting standards. I was trying to point out that those you don't like, may be exactly what someone else is looking for. Fine, we agree to differ.

As for personally insulting - the words "pot", "kettle" & "black" come to mind. In your last post, you have just personally insulted me.

As I was explaining to Ken, I had a problem with that post on this thread. I have read several of your other posts & had no feeling or even a positive feeling about them. Again, fine - part of being on a forum.

As for the meaning of the word "hags", despite my severely depleted intelligence, I am aware of the meaning, which is why I took exception to it. Despite your later post and the dictionary definitions, I still don't see how you could have used the word and meant it in a nice way. Obviously, this is due to my lack of intelligence.

I sincerely apologise if you think that I was attacking you personally - I wasn't, I was attacking your post. Possibly you could have phrased it better & possibly I could have phrased mine in a better way, also.
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Post by Ken »

Tham, I defended you but think you went over the top in your reply to Dawn.

On a positive point, I think we are all agreed that the bar girls are a great bunch who go out of their way to welcome everyone whether it is a single guy, lady or a couple. Agreed there are some exceptions but, generally, I have nothing but respect for these girls who often have had very hard lifes but continue to smile and serve us in a very cheerful manner.

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