We need a worker. Full time permanent position. Back home there were help wanted ads, government job placement offices and the like where a job offering could be posted. Here. . .we are just not sure how to do this. Is there any such service/ website/job placement agency available in English. . .or in Thai?
Actually we need to find a full time general helper for our home and farm. Someone with a motorbike and motivation plus a willingness to travel back and forth to the farm in Thayang every few days. Would need to be male ( farm facilities are a bit primitive) able to speak some English, have or get a car driving licence, willing to do housework and gardening. Full board and room provided and a very good monthly salary to be arranged depending on background and qualifications.
Thanks for any leads or references.
Help Wanted/ Labor office ??
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- Posts: 260
- Joined: Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:05 pm