Taxi to Hua Hin

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Taxi to Hua Hin

Post by waterfall »

How can I get a taxi from BKK airport to Hua Hin? What is the cost?
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Post by Bangkokney »

From my experience I would use either of these two alternatives.

1. After you have gone thru customs you'll walk into the main hall at the airport IGNORE EVERYBODY OFFERING YOU A TAXI. walk directly opposite to the Thai Air Limo Service. comfortable reliable safe - not the cheapest will cost about 2,000 baht, I have not used this service to HH in a number of years so I'm open to correction here but it was fine to Ayuthaya about 6 months ago.

2. same as above but go past the Thai Limo and straigh outside. You'll see a taxi rank with a control boothon the pavement (sidewalk) where you'll pick up a ticket that is returned at the destination to make sure you arrived safely. Prices are listed in the booth again about 2K I would have thought. I have never used this service to HH but used it regularily in the past to both central Bangkok and Pattaya.

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Post by yselmike »

thai limo upped the price to pattaya a few months ago to +-4000 from
1500,you can get a sort of limo a new toyota to pattaya for 1600
from the touts outside wich is ok its not a rip off they dont drive down the road and then switch you to mini-bus.please let us know what happens
as i would like to take a taxi from bkk airport to hua hin in october.
i did get a ride from the dynasty inn bkk in house driver for 1500
but that was 3 years ago
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Post by SHADOW »

I don't go outside at arrivals, go up stairs to departures and get a taxi from here HH about 1400 2000 Bkk on the metre plus express, don't think it's any better but it is a lot quicker.
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Post by Bangkokney »

The taxi rank outside of arrivals are metered taxis the same as upstairs the difference is that you pay a surcharge of about 100 or 200 baht not exactly sure but it is not much, however you get the added security of a 'delivery confirmation' if you will.

Much safer if you are a first timer or a little uncomfortable.

There are always plenty of Taxis waiting ...
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Post by ATAdmin »

Last time I got back I went to the little taxi stand outside the arrivals (downstairs) and told the lady I wanted to go to southern bus terminal. She asked me where I was going. I told her Hua Hin. She asked why I did not want a taxi - shae said, "Flat rate, 1,600 THB" Indeed the lil' charts usually on the back of the seats in Bangkok taxis does say 1600 or 1700 THB for the trip from BKK to HH...
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Post by lomuamart »

I got a taxi a few years ago from Sukhumvit to HH. Agreed 1,700. The driver left the meter on and interestingly it read 1,160 when we arrived. Didn't argue about the fare. After all, it was midnight and the driver had to return to Bangkok, probably without a customer.
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Post by Mackem »

I had conflicting info as to which taxi to use, and as I was informed on this site that I should not pay more than 2000 baht for an ordinary taxi, I was open to offers with this figure as a guide.
On entering the main hall at the airport I did exactly as Bankokney has instructed above and IGNORE EVERYBODY OFFERING ME A TAXI. This was due to me being desperate for a piss and could see the toilet sign in the distance. However, Just before the toilet someone managed to stop me and offered a limousine (Volvo with leather & air-con) for 3500. Well you can imagine, full of piss and laughing so hard I had to make a run for it. On my return and heading for the door he offered me a “Special Priceâ€
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I get a taxi from Hua Hin to come and get me at BKK then take me back for 1800 each way. The guys outside the Burger King restaurant in Hua Hin every day :P
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Post by ricardo »

A Thai Airlines Limousine from Bangkok to Hua Hin now costs a staggering B5700 - I was quoted this price 3 months ago. Its cheaper to fly round trip with the new airline operating from Bangers to HH - B5600

A Taxi should be +/- B2000 - best I have been quoted at Don Muang was B1800. Be aware of the taxis using benzene gas rather than normal petrol. Take a look in the boot as your luggage is loaded. Benzene gas stations are few and far between and can add another hour on your journey as Somchai fights through the traffic in Bangkok to fill up his tank.

From Hua Hin anything from B1500 is normal but some of the guys outside Burger King don't know their way around Bangkok and 1 driver wanted me to get out at Dao Khanong and take a Bangkok taxi into the city - while insisiting on B1500 claiming he didn't know the way which turned out to be bullshit.

For a safe reliable taxi - use Tommy local Thai he has driven overseas in Australia and is fully insured for all his passengers
B1800 to B2000.
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Post by stevenhill55 »

Bangkok to Huahin for about 2000baht (about £30) is, in my opinion very good value considering the distance involved. from a londoners point of view its peanuts.
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Post by bircow »

1500 Baht is the normal rate for me. Did the trip a number of times, both way's. Just let them know - with a smile, off course - that you wont pay more and are ready to ask another cab, 4 out of 5 will take it.
Then 100 Baht tip, if nice guy, and you have 'friend'.
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Post by Bamboo Grove »

It used to be 1,600 not so long ago. Now the the gasoline prices have gone up 2,000 is more common. But like Stevenhill55 said, it's good value.
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Taxi To HH

Post by Perente »

One option may be to contact wherever you plan staying. Some of the hotels / guesthouses will arrange to have a taxi driver standing in BKK holding up a piece of paper with your name miss-spelled on it. I had a couple of Thai girls call the drivers they know, the going rate for a HH taxi to be waiting for you is 2500 Baht :o
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Post by PeteC »

I think the distance BKK to HH is about the same as BKK to Pattaya and the fares being mentioned seem to confirm that. Standard is 1,500 to or from Pattaya for a Toyota Vios or the like. If you stay overnight in a good BKK hotel you can usually get one of their mercedes small limos for about 2,800 o/w to Pattaya. To these fares add in 40 baht for the expressway, 55 baht for the elevated toll way from Bangna to Chonburi and about a 100 baht tip. I've never done a taxi so can't compare what the meter would actually read vs the 1,500 baht fare. Pete
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