What the hell is going on??

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What the hell is going on??

Post by Randy Cornhole »

I know this has been mentioned before, but Its my 6th sangsom and I feel like a rant...
What and where can we find out what is happening in the HH area. I came back from Had sai noi today and saw one poster thas said 'Hua Hin music festival' it was apparently on the 20th of this month. Damn missed it!
The bike week I guess is comming up, when and where is that??
Thanks to Buksida for the Kings cup info (cheers mate) I will be going along to that, but if he haddn't mentioned it I would have missed that as well!
There is something comming up on the lake at Khao Thao, as there were some Dragon goats there today, and a course has been marked out over the lake using Thai flags as well as the yellow king ones. I know there is a race at pranburi, but this has to be something else as the whole area has been cleaned up and lots of new restaruants have been opened up??
There must be someone with Tessaban connections that could post a regular 'Events this month' Local holidays, rallys, festivals, shows....etc
I have caught a couple of 'Likay' shows,
but purely by chance. They are great for tourists to see. Hua Hin should be promoting this sort of thing... Hey ho... :|
Rant over....phew....
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Post by BaaBaa. »

I agree Randy, there is this

Not everything gets put up though.

Them Dragon Goats sound scary. :shock:
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Post by dr dave soul monsta »

Bike weekend is on the 31 st at the Harley shop and Bobs bar on the canal rd
then the popper fun and games on the 1st @ the 18 rai queens park, so i have been informed

The music festival is not quite what it seems but never the less an event at hua hin horizon on soi 88 will post details in the morrow
Last edited by dr dave soul monsta on Fri Oct 26, 2007 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by STEVE G »

Randy, Dawn posted this about Dragon boats about a week ago:
I don't know anything about Pranburi this year, but they are being held on November 23rd on Kao Tao reservoir, Hua Hin (also? instead?).
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Post by sandman67 »

mate i posted a thread about why the hell you cant get Thai films with english (or any other) subtitles a while ago.

Basically, from what I can garner from living with Amy, is that Thais are so provincial that they either dont give a fuck or dont understand we would want to advertise stuff....or have films they can market outside Thailand.....they make great films.....shame they are so dumb they dont market them ouside Thailand.....hollywood just gets all the dollars...and the other SE Asian film countries like China, Japan and Korea coin it in.

Go in any DVD shop and ask for a copy of Legend of Sukothai, Ghost Game, Narok, or Bang Rajan with English subtitles and see what I mean....blank look or Mai Dai.

Its the same with every aspect of stuff here....and saying that I love this country. I just they would wake the fuck up before we take it over and screw thing up.....

As I said to Amy...."Its OK sweetness,,, in 5 or 10 years we will have control of everything....just like very where else we have an ex pat community thats big (like HH).....and then you and all the Thais are fucked. Patayya first, then HH."

I know the Thai are a proud and nationalistic nation.....but the tide is a turning.....and I wish they would wake up.
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Post by BaaBaa. »

I dont understand why this rant is on this thread but the Thai film industry has starting promoting in the West.
Ong Bak for example, then Tom Yam Goong was taken to the west as "Quentin Tarantino presents Warrior King" which I would say is a huge promotion getting one of Hollywoods most revered directors to endorse your film.

Also writing obscenitys in your last few posts doesnt emphasise your point.
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Post by sandman67 »

The point I was trying to get across was that, as with the film industry, Thai businesses in general dont advertise or try t reach out to any other audience than Thais.....especially with local stuff. I live with a Thai wife who runs a Bintabaht blok bar, and work with Thai people who run what should be farang facing businesses. They just dont get the reach out / cultural difference stuff at all.

There have been loads of instances recently.....when I was here a time before I only found out about a Carabao concert because I asked a Thai what the poster was....even Carabao don't cater (ad wise) for their considerable farang following.

Ong Bak and Tom...(both of which star Tony Jaa funnily enough)....are only two not very good examples of Thai cinema.

They make excellent horror films, and great historical epics.....none of which are usually released in subtitled form.

And if I use expletives its because Im English and I use expletives as a form of punctuation. In the other post I think you refer to I am being provocative in the face of someone who is just plain offensive in most posts they make...

sorry thats just me.

and Like Randy I am the worse for wear .... burp!
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Post by Wanderlust »

However sandman has made his point, it is a valid one, although I don't think farangs are even close to 'taking over' HH yet! I'm sure the bods here at HHAD who have tried to sell sponsorship of this site to Thai businesses will concur - many Thai businesses don't 'get' advertising and promotion, and the tessabahn are pretty unhelpful as well when contacting them about future events - whether this is a side effect of the general Thai mindset of not planning ahead or thinking beyond tomorrow I don't know but it would be interesting to know if other places like Pattaya suffer from the same lack of info for farangs.
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Post by buksida »

Farangs are a long long way from taking over anything in this country, and rightly so. The government makes sure of that.

Back to the topic of event promotion, we try and try with local (Thai) businesses and the municipality but they simply don't want to know. Its as if they only want to promote these events to Thais and farangs are just an annoyance that they would like to get rid of. At least thats the feeling I get.

Nearly every Hua Hin event is promoted in Thai (you need to be able to read it) around town, on the TV and radio. The only place where they are a long way behind is the internet - this is where HHAD steps in and tries to get you the information when we can.

Its an uphill battle though.

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Post by pfotoguy369 »

Not trying to hijack this thread or change the subject but I do see a lot of Farangs here, Both living and visiting.

Why are all the movies in Thai? and most with no English subtitles.

we wanted to see The Kingdom but it was in Thai.

we saw 2 other Thai movies that has English subtitles but they seem to be few and far between.

Any one have an Idea why this is or how it can be changed?

If you really didn't want to know the answer, why the hell did you ask me the question!!!
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Post by Randy Cornhole »

Again slightly off thread, but that last comment reminded me of something funny. I bought a DVD last year (cant remember what it was) It was in English and had English subtitles, which you couldn't turn off for some reason. Funny thing was the subtitles were incorrect, and sometimes really funny. It gave the film a whole new dimension. I couldn't stop laughing... :D
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Post by buksida »

Can we keep this on the topic of event promotion (or lack of).

The thread about Thai language movies is here:

http://www.huahinafterdark.com/forum/wh ... t5127.html
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