Eyewitness to Thai on Thai Knife Attack Near Soi 88.

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Eyewitness to Thai on Thai Knife Attack Near Soi 88.

Post by JamesWest »

I was riding my scooter this evening on the Soi that runs parallel to the canal and along the east side of the Soi 88 food court. It was 21:03 and I was riding south bound. I saw all of this happen from start to finish.

Two scooters came racing up besides my scooter with a lot of yelling and screaming going on and over took me and then stooped at my two o'clock position in front of me. I also came to a stop about 10 meters away.

The Thai men were yelling at each other. I don't speak Thai but I think we all know what Thais sound like when they are really pissed off.

The two men on one scooter were clearly the aggressors, the other two really seemed to want nothing to do with these guys. But there was MAJOR LEAGUE words exchanged.
And then the non aggressors sort of flipped out and came towards the other men.

Now and can't say for sure of course, but I got the feeling somebody came across someone they were looking to kick*as on. Like some sort previous issue. This is me just me guessing. I don't think this was some sort traffic related problem. They were REALLY CRAZY MAD.

Both men were able to put their kickstands down, and jump off their bikes.
As they moved toward each other some pushing and shoving and kicking started, then the aggressors pulled out a long club like stick from their bike and other had a knife, but I did not see it at that point.

The two men came at the unarmed Thais and then one man got sliced on the forearm. That took the fight out of those two, and they ran north bound to the 7/11.
Everyone knows this 7/11 as being right next to the Soi 88 food court.

I looked back the other two men, who jumped on their bike and yelled something in Thai and took off north bound away from the 7/11 like a bat out of hell. I looked back at the wounded man and there was a BIB with him. I am sure that is why they jetted out of there.

From the moment the men stopped until the they took off, maybe 20 seconds elapsed. Everything happened really fast. I could not get my phone out fast enough the take photos of the fight and even if I had, I was so close I am sure this Farang man would be in serious trouble with these guys, so no go.

Since the bombings, the food court has had police in the area. Of course he did nothing about chasing these guys or jumping on a bike to give chase.

The man was bleeding profusely from his wound, with a long trail of blood on the ground. But I guess it s not too serious as the man never even sat down, he just let it bleed out all over the place.

The cop did nothing to help him, no first aid and the Thai man was not even applying pressure to his own wound. The cop was talking on his radio, and standing around with a big smile on his face like "Hey, this a great show! When do the dancing girls show up?" Then about 5 minutes latter two cops showed up, (who took photos of the mans bleeding arm) and then a EMS ambulance. I was glad as I was thinking maybe now somebody will do something about this guys arm.

I have to say, the EMS got there fast as did the backup BIB. At 21:23 the EMS transported the man to the hospital and minutes later you would never know what happened. There were dozens of people who witnessed the whole thing, but no one was interviewed.

So anyway, another night in the LOS.
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Re: Eyewitness to Thai on Thai Knife Attack Near Soi 88.

Post by kendo »

Thai's will hold a grudge its all part of this not loosing face thing. This kind of attack is very common just go a little way from a tourist area where Thai youths hang out like a karoke bar. Scooter boys are always fighting.

I would strongly advised you not to stop at an accident or trouble boiling over and get your smart phone out you could quite easily be singled out as involved or blamed for something.
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Re: Eyewitness to Thai on Thai Knife Attack Near Soi 88.

Post by HHTel »

Good advice. When a Thai situation is developing, get the hell out of there.

Stay safe.
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