A pleasant experience

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A pleasant experience

Post by Chas »

I went in on Wednesday to do my 90 day report at the Hua Hin police station and I am pleased to share with you all that it was a very pleasant experience. The female constable on duty gave me a big smile when I walked in and seemed both happy to see me and happy with her job. There were a couple of other policemen in there chatting and they helped her out with the "amphur" location of where I live which I had gotten wrong. All smiles and very cheerful. Took about 10 minutes in all. All set for the next 90 days.

I wanted to post on it since the MIB get so much flack here. ( Though some of it is well deserved I agree!) I also wanted a new topic since the last topic I opened on the "90 day" thing got me a lot of flak and ended up wierd.
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