Clean Pools

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Lung Per
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Clean Pools

Post by Lung Per »

How clean is the pool water? Do Thais add chloride to the pool water? Or the invisible liquid agent that turns purple around your trousers if you pee in the pool??
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Post by komfortablynumb »

interesting you talk about a chemical that changes colour when it encounters urine.
Indeed i know it works.
Indeed a work colleuge was arrested for peiing in a swimming pool.
Not sure if it was the water that changed colour. Or the fact he did it from the top board.
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Post by crazy88 »

Why are you wearing trousers in the pool ? :?

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Post by Wanderlust »

Lung Per,
While I have never tested the pools I have swum in by peeing in them, I am pretty sure that pools over here are kept clean mostly by the normal chemicals and not ones that change colour, as I have never seen a pool where the water has changed colour around someone (whether they were wearing trousers or not!). However, your question does beg the question, why do you want to know unless you are intending on peeing in the pools you swim in? If that is the case, can you please post a warning on here about where and when you intend to go swimming? :idea: :thumb:
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Lung Per
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Post by Lung Per »

Wanderlust wrote:Lung Per,
While I have never tested the pools I have swum in by peeing in them, I am pretty sure that pools over here are kept clean mostly by the normal chemicals and not ones that change colour, as I have never seen a pool where the water has changed colour around someone (whether they were wearing trousers or not!). However, your question does beg the question, why do you want to know unless you are intending on peeing in the pools you swim in? If that is the case, can you please post a warning on here about where and when you intend to go swimming? :idea: :thumb:
Hehe, Wanderlust. The agent actually exists. It was supposedly developed during the WWII for other purposes, by BASF. It is basically the same color dye that is added to chicken fodder to make the egg yolks dark yellow/orange. Haven't you ever wondered how dark the German egg yolks are compared to other egg yolks?.
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Post by dtaai-maai »

Lung Per wrote: Mann kann ja nie wissen wenn die Hühner pissen.
So that's why the chicken crossed the road...
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Lung Per
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Clean pools

Post by Lung Per »

FYI: The Danish tabloid Ekstrabladet had an article on the subject today 8)
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