Have You Quit Smoking?

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Have You Quit Smoking?

Never smoked in me life
Tried a few times but failed
Cut down a lot
Never tried to quit and smoke like a chimney
Smoked before but quit
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Re: Have You Quit Smoking?

Post by nimitone »

First time about 25 years ago; the price of a pack went up by 30%; was so mad at the guy in the shop telling me I had to pay the increase I stopped cold for 3 months.
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Re: Have You Quit Smoking?

Post by Phyton »

Stoped in june 2005. supported by acupuncture.

Smoked more than 30 years 20-25 a day. Now feel much better.
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Re: Have You Quit Smoking?

Post by sargeant »

To answer your question yes i have you nosy git but i will answer even though its none of your damn business
Do I have irritability issues you DAMN RIGHT I DO
Do i suffer from mood swings are you simple in the head no i DONT have mood swings
I HAVE BLuDDY GREAT MOOD LURCHES minor little swings would be a blessing
what irritates me most? dozy dumb statements like
it takes at least a week for your nicotine stache to leave ones body
pardon me but that is total BO**acks i have been staching the nico in my body for 57 years at 60 to 80 fags a day what kind of logic says it just ups and leaves after a paltry week
You WILL feel better as you get more time under your belt said with the religious fervour of a born again alternative creep (which reminds me tobacco is the cheapest and most effective stress remover on the planet so dont you alternative tossers wind me up) the statement is crap especially when the ANTI SMOKING LOBBY tell you in that oh so sickly sweet patronising way how well you are doing and how brave and strong i am

anyway 28 days down have a nice day people :D :D :D :D
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Re: Have You Quit Smoking?

Post by GLCQuantum »

Tried and failed again... :cry:

Got two weeks under my belt then it went pear shaped. I'll give it another shot after new year.

Damn those 'nails in the coffin'. Make the buggers illegal please... then I will stop as I wouldn't be arsed to hunt around for them.

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Re: Have You Quit Smoking?

Post by nickswift »

Quit the day I moved to thailand - 3 years in Jan I think it is - decided I needed to give up one vice.
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Re: Have You Quit Smoking?

Post by Siani »

I gave up smoking about 12 years ago, it was really hard. I went cold turkey, not easy :(
My son has been trying hard to give up...he's been on tabs, chews, no success. This week he is on the "electric cigs" which he says are a great help.

Australia has recently put horrific pictures on their fag packets. The photos are awful, if they won't make you stop...well I don't know what will. The cost in OZ per pack....Cigarettes (Marlboro), 16.99 A$!! So another good reason.
I think the main rule is:
You must want to stop, really deep down want to.
Here are the Aussie fag packets :duck:
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Re: Have You Quit Smoking?

Post by sargeant »

it was really hard. I went cold turkey, not easy
thankyou siani (oh crap another mood lurch :shock: :shock: ) its nice to know i am not the only Bozo trying the cold turkey doodaah

I will after your great advice stick with the turkey cold or warm i just do not fancy your sons system of plugging his fags into the mains :shock: :shock: :shock:

still another two days of the rest of my miserable fagless puffless life gone and done with
they were pretty miserable between mood lurches anyway :cry: :cry:
I think the main rule is:
You must want to stop, really deep down want to.
Superb advice and i know i really want to stop coss on account of her indoors she whom must be obeyed the feminine overgripping fuhrer :bow: :bow: :bow: TOLD ME i wanted to stop and no nil zero nana backsliding to be accepted :tsk: :tsk: :tsk:

then again shear unadulterated fear could also be the main reason to stop :shock: :shock: :shock:
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Re: Have You Quit Smoking?

Post by Siani »

sargeant wrote:
it was really hard. I went cold turkey, not easy
thankyou siani (oh crap another mood lurch :shock: :shock: ) its nice to know i am not the only Bozo trying the cold turkey doodaah

I will after your great advice stick with the turkey cold or warm i just do not fancy your sons system of plugging his fags into the mains :shock: :shock: :shock:

still another two days of the rest of my miserable fagless puffless life gone and done with
they were pretty miserable between mood lurches anyway :cry: :cry:
I think the main rule is:
You must want to stop, really deep down want to.
Superb advice and i know i really want to stop coss on account of her indoors she whom must be obeyed the feminine overgripping fuhrer :bow: :bow: :bow: TOLD ME i wanted to stop and no nil zero nana backsliding to be accepted :tsk: :tsk: :tsk:

then again shear unadulterated fear could also be the main reason to stop :shock: :shock: :shock:
Well done Sarge...you are doing well, you really are :) What you will find is that like all habits ...it's that "certain time of day" that weakens you. When I gave up I used to pop in the bath about 7 pm (difficult fag hour for me) If the urge to smoke continued..I used to go to bed early. This applied during the first month or so. Also very often alcohol and fags go hand in hand. My advice to anyone wanting to give up is to stop drinking while doing so, just until you’re out of the woods so to speak. (Out of the Woodbines in this case :D )
It is the best thing I ever did.
I actually do not mind if people smoke, I am not one of these freaks who rushes out as soon as someone lights up. My sense of smell is better, taste, health, circulation, wealth, my clothes, breath, house & car does not stink with stale odour...so many reasons to give up.
Sarge it's good that you have support at home, that helps. BTW...nagging doesn't, just gentle moral support which you seem to be having.
I never try to tell someone to give up....they must want to do so...as I said previously.
I prefer cold turkey, it worked for me.
Good luck with it :thumb:
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Re: Have You Quit Smoking?

Post by PET »

Now you have gone a day or so, just take every day as a great achievement ( and you know it truly is), then take it week by week and then month by month.
There may well come a time later when you are sorely tempted, so just say to youself '' if I start again now I shall NEVER stop''

Good luck
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Re: Have You Quit Smoking?

Post by jingjoe »

the fact is mate you are a drug addict,all these scary images on cig packets don't work,people telling you it gets easier might make you feel theres hope,but until you accept the only reason smoking makes you relaxed or calm is because you are scratching the itch,you won't stop smoking.
So if you wouldn't put a dirty needle in your arm,remind yourself you aren't giving up something,you are escaping a filthy addiction and it has no upside.Been there done it,tried patches,hypnosis,nothing worked until i finally admitted to myself i was an addict,and now 12months later have no interest in smoking.
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Re: Have You Quit Smoking?

Post by Coldmike »

Best way is cold turkey. It wil be hard and horrible for a few days or weeks, but not months.
Don't quit cuz someone wants you to.... wont work.
You must really, really want to quit to quit.
Bubbly talked about inconveniences regarding flying, etc.
I quit exactly because smoking was controlling my lifestyle. As all of us, I woke up looking for the lighter and realized my WHOLE LIFE was revolving around smoking. Golf today... ok cuz I can smoke. Movie tonight... no good, no smoking. Fly tomorrow, uh oh! I hated it. Others smoking have never bothered me. I made an absolute decision to never cheat and i never have. Was 40 -50 per day. About 27 years now, no cheating. Sincerely, best of luck. It's hard, but it is definitely woth it!
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Re: Have You Quit Smoking?

Post by sargeant »

I have been off the alcohol for over 18 months now that was dead easy to give up never even felt a mood swing let alone the heaving great mood lurches giving up the puff

My problem is i sympathise with the wrong people ie Mr Plum and his herbal arguments and as tobacco and marajuhana are herbal and certainly anti deprecents and the best stress medicines ever i find it very hard to convince myself that i am killing myself. But the science which i rely on to give me sensible outcomes is dead agin it so as er indoors does not want me popping my clogs i had to aquiesse and for her i will succeed thanks for your support

oh bugger another mood lurch :shock: :shock: :oops: :oops:

Now you have gone a day or so,
then take it week by week and then month by month.
Its 29 days already so why am I thats ME as in singular taking it nano second by nano second :oops: :oops:

YESSUM SIR i am and ex addict of 29 days duration :D :D and my missus thinks i am a hero :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:

Cold mike
I will get there thats as certain as i am the most obstinate determined cantankerous SOB i know

anyway another day done with have a nice day yaaalll :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
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Re: Have You Quit Smoking?

Post by PeteC »

Where are we with this thread now concerning all those then who were in the process of quitting, success or failure? Those who failed...have you tried again since last posts perhaps with better results?

I'm a few weeks in now having gone cold turkey this time and I agree, it's really the only way to get feeling "normal" again without a lot of repeat symptoms when using patches or gum. I am no way cured though. I could fall through the ice at any moment, not from a craving for nicotine, but simply because I really liked to smoke. Having said that, the list of benefits of stopping is massive, the list of negatives of stopping is empty except for that old rush of pleasantness with the first few smokes....followed by a week of misery once again when trying to stop again. Not worth the roller coaster ride any longer. I think a time comes for all of us when it's simply time, and our body and mind tell us so. Continued good luck to those who are trying. :thumb: Pete :cheers:
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Re: Have You Quit Smoking?

Post by richard »

I gave up 2 years ago give or take a day or two. I was on 3 packs a day for more than 30 years.

I've faulted twice in the past two months but kicked it again

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Re: Have You Quit Smoking?

Post by PeteC »

[quote="richard"]I gave up 2 years ago give or take a day or two. I was on 3 packs a day for more than 30 years.

I've faulted twice in the past two months but kicked it again[/quote]

I bet when out sipping beer with the mates, right? Pete :cheers:
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