What do you like most about the forum?

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What do you like most about the forum?

Post by dtaai-maai »

I was just asking myself why I was getting myself involved in a thread I had no interest in, other than perhaps highlighting its remarkable stupidity. I think the answer is that I'm bored.

From my own point of view, the useful, practical aspects of the forum have undoubtedly been Feeding Time, which have led me to try many eateries I'd never have got to without the recommendations on here, the Classifieds, which have produced some bargains over the years, and the Digital Realm, which has solved a number of problems for me.

But I've always enjoyed the banter as well, and if it weren't for that, what a dry place this would be. After 7 years I feel I know most posters quite well. In fact, there are quite a few that I do know quite well now and some I know very well indeed! So for me, it's a social thing as much as anything else. Even if the social side is 'virtual'.

I also like to butt in on an argument occasionally, though I've tried not to get as personally involved as I used to. I've always admired SteveG's approach - he manages to remain calmly objective in the face of all sorts of provocation that would have me jumping up and down in my chair.

I have to confess I miss Mr Plum. I never thought I'd say that. I don't miss his views at all, nor do I miss his sly little putdowns, but there was an undoubted entertainment value in some of his 'contributions'.

Even the football section is a bit quiet now, with the absence of the Liverpool faction.

So keep the restaurant reviews flowing, sell me some ultra-cheap goodies in Classifieds, answer my stupid computer questions, but give me some CONTROVERSY! But make it intelligent. The Mods are having it far too easy at the moment. BB was only saying to me the other day as we lay on neighbouring massage mats how little moderating he did these days. At least, I think that's what he said. It was a little muffled through the curtain.
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Re: What do you like most about the forum?

Post by dundrillin »

While you are waiting for the controversy to start you could have a go at the history question I posted on the entertainment area on the 27th of Feb' Or is it only members of your clique that are allowed to post questions! There you go.
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Re: What do you like most about the forum?

Post by Siani »

I have to confess I miss Mr Plum. I never thought I'd say that. I don't miss his views at all, nor do I miss his sly little putdowns, but there was an undoubted entertainment value in some of his 'contributions'.
I agree with you DM...you do miss people when they go. Where did Mr Plum go to? Anyone know?
Back a while we had Johan, but oddly enough, some of his banter was quite entertaining.
I suppose the forum for me is to catch up on daily events in the area. There is another side as well, I suppose a bit like watching a soap opera, hard to explain. You keep viewing it :) Because I do not live there (I did intend to) I am looking weekly, daily to see what I am missing :?
I also miss sergeant, I always read his posts.
I like the History Challenge, Caption Competition, Car Challenge, Cooking corner, photos, nature.....etc. When I am working at my computer it is good to click over to the forum now and then. I am also a light sleeper, if I can't get off to sleep, I login on my phone and catch up....and soon drop off !
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Re: What do you like most about the forum?

Post by hhfarang »

^Not only Mr. Plum, but where did his arch rival Super Joe go? Seems they both decided to quite the war at the same time.
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Re: What do you like most about the forum?

Post by dtaai-maai »

dundrillin wrote:While you are waiting for the controversy to start you could have a go at the history question I posted on the entertainment area on the 27th of Feb' Or is it only members of your clique that are allowed to post questions! There you go.
The History Challenge is another thing I enjoy. I suspect your question got overlooked because it was at the end of a page. This will now be rectified!
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Re: What do you like most about the forum?

Post by SunandFun »

Great question. As I look back, I see that I am on the Forum site daily when I am away and much less when I am in Hua Hin. So I guess I use it to keep up with what is happening and feel more a part of a community that I miss.
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Re: What do you like most about the forum?

Post by dtaai-maai »

And then there's the film and TV series review threads. They've been very useful.
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Re: What do you like most about the forum?

Post by Siani »

dtaai-maai wrote:And then there's the film and TV series review threads. They've been very useful.
:agree: sandman67 is great at reviews :thumb:
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Re: What do you like most about the forum?

Post by Gregjam »

It's the variety. Not a single thread but the amount of different ideas put forward be they in night crawlers or just expat questions. Most people living in Hua Hin permanently or whatever can provide useful input. Some provide critical comment, some absolute rubbish bit all mixed together it makes for a busy forum which all can contribute to. I do wonder how many look at the night crawler section but would deny every doing so. Gives as good a guide to places to go for some as places to avoid for others. One minute you are helping someone source an item they cannot find and the next reading about an item you would not source even if you secretly want to.
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Re: What do you like most about the forum?

Post by Frank Hovis »

I use it as a weird sort of entertainment channel, the caption competition, the history comp, the car challenge are probably the only areas I post in with any regularity (except when GLCQ spawns another weed soaked gem).

With the loss of the Sarge/Plum/SuperJoe antagonistic voyeurism (which was as entertaining as it was irritating) I've now joined the F1 pool.

I like the restaurant reviews, they do provide a good reason to go and try somewhere new. I often look at the DVD thread and have watched a few good movies only because of that, but I've watched some pretty crap ones because of it too though.

It's also good to find out about new things opening.

On a different level, I like the Night Crawling threads, they are so funny. I also like watching new members barrel in to get their ten posts and then post once in Night Crawling and disappear, I often wonder what they'd hoped for (that's not available online at any good porno site).

It a good little forum but we could do with a visit from Jocky/Frog/IntergalacticQueef type user to give it an injection of the bizarre once in a while, just for fun.
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Re: What do you like most about the forum?

Post by J.J.B. »

I enjoy feeling part of something that brings the good, the bad and the ugly together in relative harmony. I'm invested in Hua Hin as a place I want to be but am not able to be here for very long so it keeps me 'current'. I've met some posters in person and respect the views of all members, even if I strongly disagree with them.

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Re: What do you like most about the forum?

Post by Khundon1975 »

The thing that I like most about this forum, is the wealth of information one can find on here.
A quick use of the search facility and you can find out almost everything there is to know about Hua Hin and the surrounding areas.
A must use, for anyone who is thinking of coming to HH for a holiday or thinking about retiring here.

I don't know of any other forum in Thailand that can match it and that is all down to the input of the thousands of members that have taken the time to put the information on the forum.

I don't seem to have the time to post on much these days, as we always seem to be traveling but I, like other members, miss some of the old time members like Sandman for his threads on DVDs and posts on religion and history, Randy Cornhole for his one liners, Mr Plum for his controversial subjects, SJ for his ability to dissect subjects with razor sharp logic and reason and of course the late and much missed Sarge.

Now we have Big Boys latest travel pics and reviews, which are so well put together and I always look forward to the next one. Thanks BB. :bow:

The restaurant reviews that members contribute to, on the smallest and cheapest, to the largest and most expensive eateries, always get my juices flowing and my wife has a" little black book" with establishments that she notes down are worth visiting when in Hua Hin, taken from that thread.

Plus the many, many, other interesting threads.

The real beauty about this forum, is that it is a community and like any community, is made all the better by the contributions of it's members and those behind the scenes, like the mods and admin. Well done guys :thumb:
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