Global Warming 2

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Re: Global Warming 2

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Re: Global Warming 2

Post by hhfarang »

"Researcher: Earth Facing a Long, 'Difficult' Period of Cold"

A planet fixated on global warming is not prepared for the real climate crisis that's already here — a pronounced cold spell that could last another 30 years and cause damage to the world's crops, a private researcher and space policy that expert told Newsmax TV on Friday.

John L. Casey, president of the Space and Science Research Corporation, joined "MidPoint" host Ed Berliner to discuss the conclusions laid out in his new book, "Dark Winter: How The Sun Is Causing a 30-Year Cold Spell."

Casey, a former White House national space policy advisor, said that the Sun has entered a cyclical period of "solar hibernation," powering down just enough to alter the Earth's climate significantly.

The result will be a much colder planet — "not an ice age, necessarily," said Casey, but a "difficult cold that will start to damage our crops, globally, within the next 10-15 years."

"We are absolutely unprepared," said Casey.

Casey said that he's waged a seven-year fight to alert people to the danger uncovered by his research and stop the world's misplaced fear of man-made global warming, which his book calls "the greatest scientific fraud in history."

He said that one obstacle is the consensus — especially among U.S. scientists — that global warming caused by by man-made CO2 emissions is a proven, indsiputable fact. He contrasted that orthodoxy with a more informed climate change discussion that exists in, of all places, Russia.

"Surprisingly, the former communist Soviet Union is quite open and quite free for their climate scientists to tell the truth about their climate, which is [that] global warming ended many years ago and a new cold climate has begun," said Casey.

Russian scientists who believe in the connection between solar hibernation and a colder Earth "are routinely interviewed on their TV and their news media," said Casey, adding, "We believe their government is planning for this new cold era.

"But it's just the opposite here in the U.S., where, if any government scientist dared stand up and say what I'm saying today, they wouldn't be around in their job very long," he said.

Casey said that Earth was until recently in one of its warm periods, which he described as the planetary "norm" typically lasting thousands of years.

The difference between this new cold spell and previous ones, he said, is that it has arrived far sooner than usual — about 200 years since the last switch from warming to cooling caused by the sun.

"What we now know after decades of research is that the slightest variation in the sun's energy output can make the difference between the modern warm period we just went through versus a new global ice age," said Casey.

He said the sun has far more power over Earth's climate than heat-trapping greenhouse gas emissions produced by human civilization.

"What we've learned, if anything, from the billions and billions of dollars [spent] in 25 years of research is that mankind's [contribution] to the greenhouse gases is truly insignificant," said Casey.

He said that the amount of naturally occurring CO2 in the atmosphere is estimated to be 20-40 times the amount produced by humans, and furthermore that CO2 itself makes up a small percentage of all the planet's greenhouse gases: Water vapor accounts for 95 percent of greenhouse gases, he said.

He said that while the general public is finally wising up to these facts, policy makers are not.

"When you have the president of the United States in June of last year, as he did in Georgetown University, tell the world that not only do we still have warming, but global warming is accelerating — truly, we're in trouble and we're not prepared for what's coming," said Casey." ... z3Acq6L5Uy
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Re: Global Warming 2

Post by STEVE G »

It seems that John L. Casey is not quite what he claims to be: ... cam/164798
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Re: Global Warming 2

Post by Homer »

You cite mediamatters?
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Re: Global Warming 2

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The only news source more biased and less truthful than mediamatters is the North Korea state news agency.
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Re: Global Warming 2

Post by STEVE G »

Homer wrote:You cite mediamatters?
Mr Casey is seeking funding if you're interested.
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Re: Global Warming 2

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Your ability to come to a wrong conclusion is representative of GW alarmists.
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Re: Global Warming 2

Post by STEVE G »

Homer wrote:Your ability to come to a wrong conclusion is representative of GW alarmists.
The idea that the world is getting colder is not very convincing: ... es-surged/
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Re: Global Warming 2

Post by MrPlum »

With another Climate Summit approaching it was to be expected that the manufacturers of consent would attempt to breath a little life into the festering corpse known as global warming. Already one of the longest running Hollywood productions, the Armaggedonites have roped in actor Leonardo Di Caprio to spread a little planetary love and peace before he disappears, like the Titanic, gurgling down the AGW plughole.

'United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has designated Academy Award-nominated actor and committed environmental activist, Leonardo DiCaprio, as a United Nations Messenger of Peace with a special focus on climate change.'
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Re: Global Warming 2

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Re: Global Warming 2

Post by MrPlum »

More evidence of the corporate takeover of 'Climate Change'... ... -campaign/

Regarding the summit...

'... But it’s hard to find details, including on the Climate Summit website, as to what will actually be discussed there. The best account I could find is by Canadian journalist Nick Fillmore. He claims the main point will be a carbon pricing scheme. This is one of those corporate-designed scams that in the past has rewarded the worst polluters with the most credits to sell and creates perverse incentives to pollute, because then they can earn money to cut those emissions.

So we have a corporate-designed protest march to support a corporate-dominated world body to implement a corporate policy to counter climate change caused by the corporations of the world, which are located just a few miles away but which will never feel the wrath of the People’s Climate March.'
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Re: Global Warming 2

Post by STEVE G »

On a more positive note, I was just reading that Tesla are building a battery factory that will have a capacity for lithium-ion batteries equivalent to the entire worlds present output. These are to be used in domestic solar plants, the idea being to push the price below that of utility supplied electricity.
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Re: Global Warming 2

Post by hhfarang »

"West Coast warming blamed on natural causes, not human activity" ... -activity/
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Re: Global Warming 2

Post by migrant »

It's been some record breaking heat here in California for sure!
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Re: Global Warming 2

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"Lack of ocean heat puzzles NASA hunt for warming 'hiatus'

Washington (AFP) - The deep ocean may not be hiding heat after all, raising new questions about why global warming appears to have slowed in recent years, said the US space agency Monday.

Scientists have noticed that while greenhouse gases have continued to mount in the first part of the 21st century, global average surface air temperatures have stopped rising along with them, said NASA.

Some studies have suggested that heat is being absorbed temporarily by the deep seas, and that this so-called global warming hiatus is a temporary trend.

But latest data from satellite and direct ocean temperature measurements from 2005 to 2013 "found the ocean abyss below 1.24 miles (1,995 meters) has not warmed measurably," NASA said in a statement.

The findings present a new puzzle to scientists, but co-author Josh Willis of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) said the reality of climate change is not being thrown into doubt.

"The sea level is still rising," said Willis.

"We're just trying to understand the nitty-gritty details."

A separate study in August in the journal Science said the apparent slowdown in the Earth's surface warming in the last 15 years could be due to that heat being trapped in the deep Atlantic and Southern Ocean.

But the NASA researchers said their approach, described in the journal Nature Climate Change, is the first to test the idea using satellite observations, as well as direct temperature measurements of the upper ocean.

"The deep parts of the ocean are harder to measure," said researcher William Llovel of NASA JPL.

"The combination of satellite and direct temperature data gives us a glimpse of how much sea level rise is due to deep warming. The answer is -- not much."" ... 44793.html
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