RIP - A Lifelong Friend and Brother Lost

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Re: RIP - A Lifelong Friend and Brother Lost

Post by pharvey »

Nereus wrote:Evil barstewards. Those poor kids, it is unbelievable.
Absolutely. 200K Baht - 4K GBP.... how cheap is life?? :banghead: :(
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Re: RIP - A Lifelong Friend and Brother Lost

Post by Spitfire »

Blimey! Just read this thread.......unbelievable!

The vile and evil people. Condolences there sad, especially for the two kids.

To think that something like this can be so casually planned by such people and carried out so indiferently with such callous disregard for the children or inevitable consequences that would transpire.......shocker really.

BTW, hope you don't mind me asking, but did you manage to get a motive for it happening out of the cops or anyone? Sorry if I missed it in your posts but didn't read one mentioned. You don't have to post what it was...just wondering if you found out the "Why?" factor or not.

Glad they have arrested who was responsible.
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Re: RIP - A Lifelong Friend and Brother Lost

Post by Takiap »

For me the motive was/is clear.........

Up until about 8 moths ago, he had a number of her family members living on the property, two of whom were employed by him. This arrangement eventually started getting out of control and he asked them to leave, apart from the two who were working for him (his wife's BIL and his wife).

My mates wife had begun drinking heavily, and heated arguments became increasingly frequent. Myself and my kids actually witnessed a few such arguments on different occasions when we were visiting. Eventually, my mate got sick of it and he didn't want his kids to be exposed to this so he gave his wife an option - quit drinking of get out. She moved out and moved in with some friends of hers in Bangkok.

Her brother and his wife continued to work for my mate, earning 32,000 baht p/m between them for cleaning the home and maintaining the grounds. They had free private accommodation on the property; full and free use of both cars including petrol; free food and groceries; free electric and etc. The BIL in my mind was not worth the wage he got since he spent more time making and eating food than he did working.

Eventually he started clashing with my friend, accusing my friend of expecting too much. After a big argument one day, him and his wife quit and left, only to return a few days later asking for their jobs back. My mate agreed but on condition that they find their own place to stay, and that they work fixed hours as is normal with most jobs.

About two months ago his wife asked if she could come back because she was missing hr kids, and he agree. However, it was clear when my kids and I went down there a short while ago that their relationship was definitely over, and the two of them barely even spoke. She was still drinking, and doing absolutely nothing in and around the house; no cooking; no cleaning; nothing at all. On the few times that they did talk to each other, she came across as being VERY cold, and it is something I even discussed with him the one night.

I believe the situation reached a point where her and her brother simply decided that it was time for him to go. Why should this one farang have everything to himself? If he wasn't there, all the family could move back in and everyone would be happy. Obviously they knew that he was not going to just walk away from about 30 million bath worth of property (1 huge mansion; 1 very nice house; and 6 rubber farms). He had in fact told me in front of his family that they would have to kill him if they wanted his main home and/or his kids. He was willing to give them everything else apart from the main property and the children.

To me it is clear that he was a thorn in their sides, and with him out of the picture they would all stand to gain from it.

Her reason for killing him, according to the Thai news..............

He was always drinking and drunk (bullshit) and he sexually abused her on an almost daily basis (bullshit, he had no interest in her at all). She also alleges that he was sexually abusing his one daughter.

If you knew him, you would realize just how absurd such accusations are, almost to the point of being laughable. However, when you're facing a murder charge, I think it's only to be expected that she will need to try and justify her actions in some way.

Anyway, that's all I know right, but I will post if anything else comes to light.

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Re: RIP - A Lifelong Friend and Brother Lost

Post by HHTel »

Sorry to hear this tragic story. With regards to his kids, the court will have to make a ruling as they were not married so he has no legal rights. His name on the birth certificate means absolutely nothing in Thai law. I'm sure the courts will make the right decision as the interests of the children are paramount. This could be costly and I hope the kids come out of this with a deserved future. Good luck.
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Re: RIP - A Lifelong Friend and Brother Lost

Post by Takiap »

Yes, that is what I thought as well. For some strange reason marriage certificates hold more swing than birth certificates.

His sister has just been in touch to tell me she got a call from from his youngest daughter (8 years old) last night. Apparently his daughters only found out yesterday that their Mom arranged his death. They are obviously devastated and she was begging his sister to come over and help. Apparently his wife had bail set at one million baht, but despite having the money to pay, the police are not allowed to release her without his sister or his Mom giving permission.

So, now his sister is asking me what she should do. She feels for his kids and despite what their Mom has done, she understands that the kids would obviously still want to see their Mom. At the same time she also obviously doesn't want to help the person who just killed her only brother.

Personally, if it was me there would be no way I would even consider signing anything that would help her, and even more so because that million baht bail money actually belongs/belonged to the person she had killed.

The bloody irony of it all - My mate has ended up paying 1.2 million baht to be shot four times.

Anyway, please feel free to share your thoughts. Should his sister help or not?

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Re: RIP - A Lifelong Friend and Brother Lost

Post by dtaai-maai »

Takiap wrote: Apparently his wife had bail set at one million baht, but despite having the money to pay, the police are not allowed to release her without his sister or his Mom giving permission.

So, now his sister is asking me what she should do.

Personally, if it was me there would be no way I would even consider signing anything that would help her, and even more so because that million baht bail money actually belongs/belonged to the person she had killed.

Anyway, please feel free to share your thoughts. Should his sister help or not?

All her efforts should be on getting custody of the kids, if she feels able to do so.

Awful situation for everyone concerned, but there doesn't appear to be any doubt about the wife's guilt - she'll only try and persuade the children of her innocence if she's released, confusing them even more.
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Re: RIP - A Lifelong Friend and Brother Lost

Post by PeteC »

In my opinion based of course on only what I've read on here, definitely not! All good old Mom is likely to do is turn the kids against their dead Dad, and poison their memory of him. It's already started reading the reason(s) she's publicly give as to why she killed him in the first place. Keep those kids a million miles away from her and her family IMO. Pete
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Re: RIP - A Lifelong Friend and Brother Lost

Post by redzonerocker »

prcscct wrote:In my opinion based of course on only what I've read on here, definitely not! All good old Mom is likely to do is turn the kids against their dead Dad, and poison their memory of him. It's already started reading the reason(s) she's publicly give as to why she killed him in the first place. Keep those kids a million miles away from her and her family IMO. Pete
Agree 100%.
Shouldn't even come up for consideration. :cheers:
Anyone that could orchestrate such a callous, calculated and brutal act doesn't deserve to have freedom.
Takiap wrote:What a bloody mess, and at the end of the day, it is all because of greed. :cry:
Yes mate, what a sad and sorry mess for all affected.

Greed and envy are the only motives in this crime. :(
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Re: RIP - A Lifelong Friend and Brother Lost

Post by centermid7 »

Do those girls have dual citizenship and passports at this time?
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Post by JamesWest »

Wow. Never be worth more dead than alive in Thailand. Horrible story. I plead poverty to every Thai woman I meet for just this reason. Hope the kids can find peace on day. They are going to need professional counseling which is maybe hard to find in Thailand.

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Re: RIP - A Lifelong Friend and Brother Lost

Post by Zidane »

Sorry to hear about your friend.Its a truly shocking story and I feel for his kids and yourself.
Greed and envy,for sure and if you get on the wrong side of a Thai they never forget.
When I first came to live in Thailand 11 years ago an expat told me the Thais are like a "pack" and its true.
Even if you get a decent wife there can be one or two "bad eggs" in the family or in the neighbourhood who can make things difficult for you.
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Re: RIP - A Lifelong Friend and Brother Lost

Post by Takiap »

centermid7 wrote:Do those girls have dual citizenship and passports at this time?

I'm not sure if they have dual citizenship or not, but I do know they have passports.

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Re: RIP - A Lifelong Friend and Brother Lost

Post by Takiap »

Zidane wrote:Sorry to hear about your friend.Its a truly shocking story and I feel for his kids and yourself.
Greed and envy,for sure and if you get on the wrong side of a Thai they never forget.
When I first came to live in Thailand 11 years ago an expat told me the Thais are like a "pack" and its true.
Even if you get a decent wife there can be one or two "bad eggs" in the family or in the neighborhood who can make things difficult for you.
Living over here,never take anything for granted.....

Sadly, my mate got on the wrong side them once too many times. Arguing with his wife's brother was almost a daily occurrence, and as I've already mentioned earlier, I did warn him, saying that he either needs to adopt a "mai pen rai" attitude, or he needs to fire her BIL. He was old school when it came to getting jobs done. He would always be outside getting stuck in as well, and he expected her BIL to pull his weight and do some real work. All to often this would end up in an argument. In short, he had no time for laziness, and personally, I don't think I would have wanted to work for him. Nonetheless, his BIL could simply have left if he was not happy.

As I've already said, there was a lot of friction between him and his wife and her family. Knowing the way logic works over here, they probably felt that he should have been the one moving out rather than them. After all, the house was not "his" anyway. They knew he would never just walk away, so another plan was needed.

I myself have had really heated arguments with my MIL and I've told her if she's not happy she can get out. Her reply to me was that I should get out because this isn't my home. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Really sad because every Thai family member will no doubt be testifying at the trial and each and every one of them will lie through their teeth. I'm probably the only witness for his defense, and I probably won't even be told when the trial is.
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Re: RIP - A Lifelong Friend and Brother Lost

Post by zevon »

Sad situation all round.

Personally I would focus on custody of the kids.
As a couple of posters have indicated being named on the birth certificate means absolutely nothing as far as guardianship is concerned unless it is a legal marriage.
With the father now dead and the mother likely to end up in jail it wouldn't surprise me if as the legal guardian the mother's family have preference as to who now becomes guardian of the children.

I would be obtaining the services of a good family lawyer and preferably someone from Bangkok or far away from Hat Yai or the wife's local area.

Good luck
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Re: RIP - A Lifelong Friend and Brother Lost

Post by Big Boy »

zevon wrote:Personally I would focus on custody of the kids.
As a couple of posters have indicated being named on the birth certificate means absolutely nothing as far as guardianship is concerned unless it is a legal marriage.
Not a good situation, but likely the kids will get a fair inheritance. Who gets the kids, will most likely get their hands on the inheritance. You can be sure there will be a few Thai family members thinking that way.
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