News of the Weird - this just in!

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Re: News of the Weird - this just in!

Post by PeteC »

Thai fraudster sentenced to 13,275 years in prison

....." Thanks to his confession, it halved his sentence to 6,637 years and six months.".......... :shock: :roll:

"A Thai court has sentenced a fraudster to more than 13,000 years in prison.
Pudit Kittithradilok, 34, admitted running a Ponzi scheme whereby he promised investors artificially high financial returns.

About 40,000 people were persuaded to pour more than $160m (£120m) into his companies.

The court found he engaged in illicit lending and some 2,653 counts of fraud. Thanks to his confession, it halved his sentence to 6,637 years and six months.

He is unlikely to serve more than 20 years, as Thai law sets a maximum 10-year term for each of the two crimes he was convicted of.

Prosecutors told the court that Pudit organised seminars where attendees were encouraged to invest in what he said were businesses linked to property development, beauty, used cars and exports, among other things.

According to the Bangkok Post, investors were promised generous returns, plus incentives to bring new members on board.

As with any pyramid scheme, these new cash injections would then be used to pay off the earlier backers.
Pudit had been held in Bangkok Remand Prison since his arrest in August, when he was denied bail.

The court fined his two companies the equivalent of $20m each. Pudit and the firms were ordered to repay around $17m to the 2,653 identified victims, with 7.5% yearly interest.
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Re: News of the Weird - this just in!

Post by handdrummer »

That's 57 million of 160 million plus interest. It was specified how long the interest payments went on so, conceivably, after 20 yrs. in the slam, he could come out with a good chunk of change. Dumb jerk.
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Re: News of the Weird - this just in!

Post by Nereus »

How 1,000C car park inferno vaporised the FLOOR: Apocalyptic images show gutted multi-storey with no sprinklers where all 1,400 vehicles were reduced to ashes by heat that could melt aluminium

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People were evacuated from their homes and up to 1,600 vehicles were incinerated in 1,000C inferno
Fire engulfed 7 floors of multi-storey car park at Echo Arena in Liverpool after Land Rover burst into flames
The blaze could have been stopped if sprinklers had been fitted in the ten year-old building, fire chief said

,000C inferno that incinerated up to 1,600 vehicles in a car park 'could have been stopped' if sprinklers had been fitted in the building.
Fire hot enough to melt aluminium engulfed seven floors of the multi-storey car park at the Echo Arena on Liverpool's waterfront after a Land Rover burst into flames and quickly spread to other vehicles on Sunday night.

Terrified motorists abandoned their cars and fled in panic along with 4,000 people who were evacuated as the final event of the Liverpool International Horse Show was called off at the Echo Arena.

Around 80 horses were rescued and residents and tourists staying in apartments and hotels nearby had to spend New Year's Eve in a temporary shelter as their buildings were evacuated amid fears for their safety.
On Monday, pictures showed the floors of the car park had been vaporised and vehicles were reduced to ashes by the blaze that reached temperatures between 800C and 1,000C.

Former footballer Mark Wright's family were among those caught up in the terrifying drama and his wife Sue captured a photograph of the car which sparked the blaze just moments before flames tore through the building.

Dan Stephens, of Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service (MFRS), has now said a sprinkler system would have given crews a 'much better' chance of stopping the fire.
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Re: News of the Weird - this just in!

Post by lindosfan1 »

Penis whitening how weird is this?

From the BBC website
A supposed trend of penis whitening has captivated Thailand in recent days and left it asking if the country's beauty industry is taking things too far.

Skin whitening is nothing new in many Asian countries, where darker skin is often associated with outdoor labour, therefore, being poorer.

But even so, when a clip of a clinic's latest intriguing procedure was posted online, it quickly went viral.

Thailand's health ministry has since issued a warning over the procedure.

The BBC Thai service spoke to one patient who had undergone the treatment, who told them: "I wanted to feel more confident in my swimming briefs".

The 30-year-old said his first session of several was two months ago, and he had since seen a definite change in the shade.

'What for?'
The original Facebook post from the clinic offering the treatment, which uses lasers to break down melanin in the skin, was shared more than 19,000 times within two days.

It included pictures from the treatment room and detailed before and after illustrations.

Comments range from criticism to amusement with some puzzled users asking "What for?" and others having suggestions ready at hand: "It can be used as a torch light. Let it shine!"

One user dismissed the sudden frenzy about shades and colour, saying she was "not that serious about the colour" but was in fact "more concerned about the size and the moves".

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Man on hospital bedImage copyrightLELUXHOSPITAL
Image caption
Skin whitening is not new, penis whitening is
Popol Tansakul, marketing manager of Lelux Hospital which offers the service, told the BBC they had introduced vagina whitening services four months ago.

"Patients started to ask about penis whitening, and so we started the treatment a month later," he explained. The cost of the laser procedure is $650 (£480) for five sessions.

It remains to be seen, though, whether indeed there's enough Thai men wanting to have their private parts a shade whiter.

The clinic currently gets an average of 20-30 patients a month coming for vagina and penis whitening with some coming from as far afield as Myanmar, Cambodia and Hong Kong.

"They are popular among gay men and transvestites who take good care of their private parts. They want to look good in all areas," Mr Popol explained.

'Penis whitening is not necessary'
Thailand's Public Health Ministry has already reacted to the sudden attention the clinic has been receiving.

The ministry warned about possible side effects such as pain, inflammation or scars and even effects on the reproductive system and on having sex.

Stopping treatment would cause the skin colour to return to normal and may result in "nasty-looking spots", the ministry said.

"Penis laser whitening is not necessary, wastes money and may give more negative effects than positive ones," Dr Thongchai Keeratihuttayakorn of the ministry said in the statement.

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Skin whitening has been a big trend across Southeast Asia over the past decades. Overall, Lelux says more than 50% of its patients are coming for such treatments.

The trend is largely attributed to the lingering traditional perception that having fair skin means not being part of the working class, and not having to work in the fields.

A screenshot from the commercial for the Snowz whitening product
Image caption
A recent ad sparked a debate online, with a lot of commentators calling it racist
There is an abundance of skin-whitening products on the market and what's caused controversy in the past was usually advertising campaigns to promote these.

A skin-whitening cream, for instance, put an ad above the seats on Bangkok's public transport, saying: "Only white people can sit here."

Another Thai cosmetics firm had to withdraw its video advertising a skin-whitening product after it was attacked on social media for being racist. In the ad, a famous actress attributed her success to her fairer skin.

Yet attitudes about skin colour are slowly changing in the past years.

During the 2014 Miss Thailand World beauty contest, for instance, much comment centred on how dark the winner's skin was compared to typical contestants.

At the time, the model Nonthawan "Maeya" Thongleng said she wanted to encourage all other women who felt insecure because of their darker skin.
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Re: News of the Weird - this just in!

Post by PeteC »

^ Latest opinion is that it doesn't work. Will go back to normal colour.....When they reach 60 they won't care if it's green, as long as it's not falling off! :laugh: ... n-experts/
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Re: News of the Weird - this just in!

Post by lindosfan1 »

Cut out Prime Minister from the BBC.

Thailand's prime minister has taken a novel approach to avoiding questions at a news conference, by leaving a cardboard cutout to do the job.

Prayuth Chan-ocha briefly spoke to an audience outside Government House in Bangkok, before the life-sized replica was brought out.

"If you want to ask any questions on politics or conflict, ask this guy," Mr Prayuth said, then walked away waving.

Mr Prayuth led a military coup in 2014 and was named PM later that year.

The government has promised to hold nationwide elections, but they have been repeatedly been pushed back.

In April the country voted in a referendum on a new constitution and a changed electoral system, which observers say is likely to lead to a more splintered parliament.

Shaking hands with cardboard
The prime minister was speaking to Thai families and reporters on Monday ahead of Children's Day on Saturday.

The BBC's Thai service says the cutout is likely one that will be on show on the day, when children will be given access to the official residence and the prime minister's office.

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Reporters may have hoped to ask him questions about issues including the elections, about rumbling violence in the south, or the severe lese majeste laws under which numerous people have been jailed for insulting the monarchy.

But instead those in the audience were left only with the option of taking pictures with the cutout of Mr Prayuth in a handshake pose.
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Re: News of the Weird - this just in!

Post by handdrummer »

Perhaps the cardboard cutout could become the PM or has it?
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Re: News of the Weird - this just in!

Post by Homer »

Surprisingly, the driver admitted he was on drugs and going way too fast.
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At least he managed to stick the landing. ... 39663.html
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Re: News of the Weird - this just in!

Post by Nereus »

I put this here, as my Aussie cousin tends to write tongue in cheek:
In the parking lot of luxury ... y#cxrecs_s

This week's tale of pretentiousness and warped social mores begins in the sleepy seaside town of Hua Hin.

Sleepy seaside town? Such was the description of Hua Hin when I first made a stop there a quarter of a century ago, but now?

There's nothing "sleepy" or even "seaside" about the place.

It's a beach town where you can't see the beach. The main road doesn't run parallel to it; I have no idea where a family who decides "I say! Let's go to the seaside!" would park their car and unpack their pails and spades. That last sentence sounds like I'm living in an Enid Blyton alternative universe, but you get what I mean.

For many years the two major seaside towns were Pattaya and Hua Hin. The former was the racy older sister who flirted with all the boys as she sat on the beach in a thong listening to EDM.

Hua Hin was the pudgy little sister with pigtails and coke-bottle glasses who sat, in her sensible floral one-piece with the bright orange and brown frills, reading Nancy Drew and Black Beauty.

That all changed. Pattaya is still the same, though at her age she should be thinking about settling down, while Hua Hin? She has turned positively metrosexual, giving up the semi-rural beach atmosphere for colossal condo projects, five-star resorts and high-class malls.

My sister arrived for New Year with her family, including two children who are going through their angst-ridden teen years. I thought perhaps that having a hipster uncle in Bangkok, Thailand, might score points for me on the cool scale. Nope. Bottomless computer screen preferable.

My sister berated me for taking her to Hua Hin because I sold it to her as a "nice quiet holiday". It didn't help that my niece had just returned from Florida.

"This place looks like Miami," she said as I took them for a leisurely drive.

"Hardly a seaside town," replied my nephew, 14, in a tone so dry I reached for my water bottle containing liquid far more spirited than my nephew and niece would ever be.

On that cloudy day we ended up in a brand new upmarket shopping centre, just down from Market Village, another shopping centre. Yes, Hua Hin requires two mega-malls, otherwise what is one to do in a beach city without access to a beach?

Driving into the car park, the first thing I came across was a partitioned area, with an absence of cars, and a sign:


Supercars … in Hua Hin?

"Does Superman shop here?" my sister asked, sitting with me in the front.

I came to a stop right in front of the sign. A security guard saw me slow down and immediately rushed over, blowing his whistle and pointing off stage somewhere. The message was clear; move on, riff-raff.

I drive a Teana, dear reader. Yes, that's right, a luxury car … sort of. It's a Teana from 2008 so yes, there are a few scratches and nicks, the tyres are bald, and that strange rattle in the engine refuses to go away.

Nevertheless, it is still a Teana. It's good enough for the security guards at the entrance to my housing village to salute it. Upon entering and leaving they stand to attention, click their heels and salute. This became a bone of contention a while back when my car was being serviced and I happened to walk out of the housing village, past those security guards. Both young men looked up at me as I passed.

Not a salute. Not a stand to attention. Not a click of heels. It gave me the uneasy revelation that they are not saluting me on any given day -- they are saluting my car.

But there we were, my family in my banged-up Teana, with a security guard blowing a whistle at me.

This provoked the worst reaction of all -- my nephew and niece looked up from their smartphones.
"He doesn't want you to park there," said my niece.

"Not necessarily," I snapped back.

"Then why is he blowing that whistle and pointing?" asked my nephew.

The truth is, I was never intent on parking in the SUPERCAR zone, even if it was as barren as a Mother Superior in her twilight years. I merely wanted to take a picture of the sign. Foolish me. Now I had people, both inside and out, clutching whistles and smart phones, assuming I wanted to park there.

"I thought you said you were famous here," my nephew muttered, in droll, teenaged tone.

"I never said anything of the sort. And what's that got to do with anything?"

"A famous person would be allowed to park there."

"Not if he was in a Vios. Isn't there a Candy Crush or Angry Bird you have to get back to?"

Then I realised; the security guard wasn't blowing his whistle and pointing me away. He was pointing me into a vacant car space, directly opposite the SUPERCAR PARKING sign. Of all the embarrassment; not only am I not allowed to park there … I have the humiliating vista of looking at the empty spaces, like some beggar standing outside a palace!

What has happened to Thailand? One of the big news stories doing the rounds at present is about our deputy prime minister, Prawit Wongsuwan. Now remember this government is not in power via an election. It stormed its way in, screaming about the rampant corruption of the prior administration and swearing to eradicate all said corruption.

Therefore it doesn't look good when Gen Prawit is the owner of 24 extremely expensive watches, all of which he claims were given to him by friends. Where on Earth can I find friends like that?

You just know that, somewhere in his dressing parlour, Gen Prawit has a small sign attached to a gilt-handled drawer that reads SUPERWATCHES.

It's not just the anti-corruption crusaders who are basking in luxury. It was revealed, in 2016, that one of the strongest contenders for the position of Supreme Patriarch in this country was an avid collector of high-end cars. He had a Mercedes W186, one of 6,757 cars investigated by DSI police that year on suspicion of tax evasion.

Monks in Supercars -- sounds like a Russ Meyer movie. If ever the monk has a sermon to deliver in Hua Hin, I know just the place where he can park.

Our values are all upside down. When I build my first strip mall, I'm going to make a sign that says SUPERINTELLIGENT PARKING. Don't laugh, dear reader. Surely a mall full of smart people discussing things rationally and scientifically is a more desirable shopping experience than one full of rich luddites in fancy cars.

And wannabes. This week I was at the Emporium in Bangkok when, as I entered the place, I noticed that they, too, have a stretch of car park devoted to SUPERCAR PARKING. There was not a single space available, and as I walked past I counted two Bentleys in a row, two top-of-the-range Mercedes Benz cars, then finally one Lexus.

One … what?

I swear to god. There was a Lexus parked right there in the SUPERCAR parking amidst the Bentleys and Mercedes Benz.

I was filled with uncontrollable rage. A Lexus?! And some security guard with a whistle in his mouth was telling me in my Teana to move on?

My beloved Thailand … where corruption hunters sport two dozen million-baht watches. Where ethereal abbots hord the finest of material possessions. Where supercar slots are filled with Lexus cars, if filled at all.

I absolutely love it.
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Re: News of the Weird - this just in!

Post by Big Boy »

As far as I'm concerned, your Australian cousin talks sense. I think it must be 8 years since I've used Hua Hin beach for the traditional sunbathing/swimming. If we want a beach, it's generally Cha-Am, Suan Son or Ao Manao. Sometimes we might use Had Sai Noi.
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Re: News of the Weird - this just in!

Post by lindosfan1 »

Village forces its males to dress up as women after five healthy men die in their sleep, sparking fears the GHOST of an evil widow is taking her revenge
Residents of a Thai village are terrified after five young men died in a few weeks
They believe to ghost of an angry widow killed them in their sleep
She targeted them so she could 'have her way with them' in the afterlife
Villagers put scarecrows with 80cm penises outside their homes to distract her
Others forced their husbands to wear women's clothes and makeup to bed
They say no more men have died since they resorted to the unusual methods
By Nic White For Mailonline

Villagers are forcing their husbands to wear women's clothing and makeup to bed in fear an evil widow ghost will kill them.

Other residents of the remote hamlet in Nakhon Phanom, northeast Thailand, are hanging scarecrows with huge penises outside their homes.

The village of 90 people flew into a panic after five fit and healthy young men died suddenly in their sleep in recent weeks.

They believed a widow's ghost was terrorising the village by seducing men in their sleep and taking their spirits to the afterlife for her to have her way with them.

Terrified villagers are hanging scarecrows with huge penises outside their homes in fear of an evil widow ghost 'killing their husbands'

Deeply superstitious locals in response put scarecrows wearing red clothes with giant 80cm erect penises with a painted red tip outside their homes.

Some also have labels on them saying 'there is no man here' and others made their husbands wear women's clothes and makeup to bed.

The makeshift solution appeared to have worked as not a single man died since the scarecrows were made about a week ago.

'The penis symbolises masculinity. Since hanging in front of the house, no man has died. The villagers do it and we're comforted by our faith.'

'The deaths first started with two men in their 40s who were physically strong. They didn't have any diseases,' Piyatida Wai, 36, said

Other residents said the village was always a very normal place to live but the recent deaths shook them.

Johnny, 53, who has a Thai mother and American father, said: 'I believe that the ghost of the widow is causing healthy men to die. There have been five deaths already here.

'My wife and child are afraid that I could die and they wanted the scarecrow to protect me. Every house has done the same.

'The long penis about 80cm long with threaten the ghost when she arrives and she will not dare to pass it and enter. It will keep her away and keep the men safe.'
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Re: News of the Weird - this just in!

Post by Nereus »

$500 million in gold bullion rains down on Siberia after aircraft cargo bungle ... 680cb73009

WE all know what it’s like to drop some loose change from our wallet or purse.
But what if you accidentally dumped 172 gold bars on the ground?
Just ask Russia’s Nimbus Airlines.

A flight was scheduled to transport a valuable cargo of nine tons of gold and platinum ingots, along with a load of uncut diamonds.
It was all worth some 21 billion roubles (A$469,000,000).
But the heavy bags and boxes containing the load in the cargo transport’s belly were not securely loaded.

According to official government news agency TASS, a total of 172 bars broke loose as the Nimbus Airlines AN-12 aircraft lifted off from Yakutsk, the capital of Russia’s eastern Siberia diamond mining region. That’s more than three tons of gold falling from the sky after the transport took off.

“According to preliminary information, 172 ingots weighing about 3.4 tons were found, the cargo crumbled along the runway (at the Yakutsk airport) due to the fact that the cargo was incorrectly fixed. Some of the gold fell out, there were about 9 tons,” a statement from the Ministry of Internal Affairs admits.

According to local media, the shifting gold tore open a ramp and part of the aircraft’s body as the heavy slid backwards during takeoff.

The ramp fell on to a nearby car showyard. The gold continuously trickled out.

The depressurised and unbalanced aircraft then made an emergency landing at another airport at Magan, some 12km away. None of its five crew members were injured, officials say.

Secret service agents and police were summoned to mount an urgent and intensive effort to recover all the gold bars scattered over both runways and the 26km route the cargo aircraft took between them.

According to the Siberian Times, several cargo engineers from the airport of departure were detained. TASS says the engineers were members of the aircraft’s own crew.

YouTube The Siberian Times
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Re: News of the Weird - this just in!

Post by Nereus »

Is this weird, or just plain sick? I grew up on a farm and it used to very nearly make me puck whenever I saw an animal doing this.
New mums warned over eating their placentas ... b88778742z

IT’S eaten raw, cooked, roasted and dehydrated and drunk in smoothies and tinctures but is it safe?

Health authorities have raised concerns about a growing movement promoting the consumption of human placenta as a way to boost health.

With influencers including the Kardashians promoting the practice and social media inundated with positive anecdotes from women (and men), the practice appears to be gaining favour.

But you might have to overcome the yuck factor if you want to give it a try.

Numerous new mums and dads have taken to YouTube to share their placenta cooking tips.

By far though, most people prefer taking placenta in capsule form and there are many websites, including Perth-based companies, promoting their services.

For between $200-$550 you can arrange for your placenta to be collected from the hospital and cleaned, cooked and encapsulated and delivered back to you.

It’s claimed the practice of ingesting your placenta, known as placentophagy, boosts milk supply and reduces the risk of the baby blues in the days post-birth but evidence that it works is scant.

Most non-human mammals eat their placentas but there is no consensus on why they do this.
Some think it may be to deter predators from detecting the presence of a newborn.

Placentophagy supporters say it is because the placenta contains beneficial nutrients and hormones and so humans should eat theirs too.

Pure Placentas spokeswoman Mel Johnson, a midwife, said demand for placenta encapsulation services in WA was growing rapidly. Last year her company encapsulated between 150-200 placentas.

She employs a team of health professionals including midwives and nurses who help organise the transfer of placentas to a lab to be cleaned, steamed at a high temperature and encapsulated.

Ms Johnson said she individually tailors the dose in the capsules to meet the needs of the mother and they were usually taken over a six to eight week period.

“The placenta itself is actually an endocrine organ, it produces all its own hormones and that is helpful in sustaining pregnancy but when it is expelled from the body it still contains all those hormones and nutrients in very high amounts,” she said.

Ms Johnson said while some people chose to cook and eat their placentas, encapsulation was a better process.
“Some women may want to go and make a placenta lasagne and if that’s what they want to do with their placenta and they are doing it in a safe way then that’s fantastic,” she said.

“I actually think the benefits of doing it with the placenta capsules will be better because you are not eating it all in one go, you are lasting it over six to eight weeks so it will balance your hormones over that time.”

The idea that most women should expect to get a dose of the baby blues a few days post-birth was wrong, Ms Johnson said.

“You look at the mammals and when they are new mums, they don’t have all the baby blues and depressive symptoms that humans have, that’s strictly a human phenomenon that we are seeing.

“When you give birth you are on that birth high, your hormones are sky high. On day one to two they come plummeting down to below pre-pregnancy — from about 90 per cent to about 10 per cent.

“If we can get the placenta and all of its hormones, in capsule form, back into that body before that 48 hour mark ... we are actually preventing that huge dive in hormones, we are catching it before it is getting to the level where you see symptoms.”

Ms Johnson said 93 per cent of the women she had helped did not experience baby blues and milk supply was superior for women who took encapsulated placenta.

Milk production often started a day earlier and was better quality and quantity, she said.

Bryony McNeill, a lecturer in Reproductive and Developmental Biology at Deakin University writing for The Conversation, said two hormones produced by the placenta — prostaglandin and oxytocin – had been identified as potential active ingredients in placenta capsules.

But no studies had determined if the concentrations of these hormones found in placenta capsules were enough to be beneficial.

There were also concerns ingesting placenta could be harmful with possibly high concentrations of toxins and bacterial contamination.

Earlier this year the Therapeutic Goods Administration issued a warning to expectant mothers about the potential health and legal risks of human placenta ingestion.

It stated there was no evidence to support the claims of health benefits associated with consuming human placenta, and the broader risks were unknown.

“Human placenta is a biological material and is capable of containing and transmitting infectious agents, including bacteria and viruses. In addition preparation may inadvertently introduce infectious agents,” it said.

“The risk of transmission may be even greater if your placenta is ingested by another person or you ingest another person’s placenta.”

The TGA said any claims made about placenta products, including those in capsules, providing a therapeutic benefit such as improving mood, energy levels or milk production ran the risk of bringing the products under the regulations that cover ‘biologicals’.

“Under the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989, it is an offence to make therapeutic biological products without holding the appropriate license.”

The laws contain substantial penalties, including criminal sanctions, for people making or supplying unapproved biological products, and bans advertising biological products to the public.

“Depending on the circumstances and the claims made in relation to the product, these laws could also apply to the midwife, doula or even the mother involved.”

Last year in the US the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention warned that the intake of placenta capsules should be avoided after a newborn developed neonatal group B Streptococcus sepsis after its mother ingested contaminated placenta capsules.

The centre recommended people avoid placenta capsules because the encapsulation process did not necessarily eradicate infectious pathogens.

David Forbes, WA Health acting chief medical officer, said clinicians did not advise or give information about placentophagy because “there is no evidence-based research on the consumption of placentas”.

“Women who do request to take placentas home with them following childbirth must sign a form for authorisation and release of human tissues which includes information on the safe handling and disposal of tissue,” Professor Forbes said.

“While data on the release of placentas is not collated, as it is recorded individually on a patient’s medical record, anecdotal evidence suggests a low percentage of women claim their placenta (approximately 300 per year).”

A St John of God Hospital spokeswoman confirmed the number of women claiming their placenta after birth was similarly low in the private sector.

Ms Johnson said she would welcome better regulation of placenta encapsulation because currently there was no way of knowing who was doing it or what process they were using.

“We need to regulate the industry and have this done in the placenta labs, like we do it. We are trained healthcare professionals,” she said.

“We need to make sure that women are given the option to do this safely because at the end of the day they will do it anyway.”
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Re: News of the Weird - this just in!

Post by handdrummer »

Doesn't the steaming reduce the hormone, vitamin, mineral content. If you're going to eat it, eat it raw. Another me too movement.
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Re: News of the Weird - this just in!

Post by Nereus »

Man dies after getting stuck in cinema seats in Birmingham, England ... b88781860z

A man has died after getting his head stuck under the footrest of his electronic seat at a movie theatre in the British city of Birmingham.

According to the Birmingham Mail, the man had dropped his phone and was trying to retrieve it in between the cinema’s Gold Class seats at the end of the film.

The accident occurred on March 9 at the Star City entertainment complex. He died a week later, on March 16.
After he bent down, the reclining, electric seat’s footrest clamped down on the man’s head. He was attending the film with his partner, who reportedly became frantic as the man started to panic upon realising he was stuck.

Staff and other patrons at the cinema struggled to free him, but eventually pulled him out of the seats.

The man suffered from cardiac arrest. After paramedics successfully restarted his heart, he was rushed to Heartlands Hospital, the West Midlands Ambulance Service confirmed to the Guardian.

“Following an incident which took place on Friday 9 March at our Birmingham cinema, we can confirm that a customer was taken to hospital that evening. We are saddened to learn that he passed away on Friday 16 March.”

The statement continues: “A full investigation into the nature of the incident is ongoing. Our thoughts and condolences are with the family who have our full support and assistance.”

The Birmingham City Council has started a health and safety investigation, reports the Guardian.

The three Gold Class rooms at the complex offer a fully licensed car, and are only available to attendees over 18.
(I guess that should be "bar")
May you be in heaven half an hour before the devil know`s you`re dead!
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