Retirement Visa renewal

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Post by lomuamart »

I'm not sure what may happen to your pension if you register, but in addition to what Digger has already said, I wouldn't think there's any necessity to register with The Embassy anyway - it's a seperate issue.
Perhaps all you'll need is a letter stating that the 500k is income you receive in the UK. I'd have a word with imm here and see what they say. Stress you're not trying to rely on 400K in the bank (although it might amount to the same thing). If they say it's OK, then I'm sure you'll need that letter from The Embassy. For all they know, you could spend 6 months of the year back in the UK and just want a retirement extension for your own convenience (with re-entry permits when you exit Thailand).
Just a thought.
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Post by Burger »

Hogus wrote:
Burger wrote:I agree with the government, 400k is not enough, one major hospital operation and a flight back home for an emergency
Never heard about health-insurances, huh?
Yes, but many people do not take it up and there's been problems with people having triple heart bypasses and not having the money for it.
It's the government who put the amount up, not us who may or may not have taken out insurance.

I know someone recently who's hospital bill in Bangkok was 1.5m Baht, luckily his family sent over the money from his country.

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Post by sargeant »

HHtel is correcct if you are registered as living abroad through the embassy any future increases on your state pension ceases
It is a double edged sword because to get the original visa Ret in my case you MUST get a letter from the embassey for immigration luckiy my pension is private so was not effected but what happens in 5 years when i am entitled to my state pension god knows
But the blame is squarely on the greedy UK it has nothing to do with thailand
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Post by lomuamart »

Only thing I'd ask, Sarge, is do you have to register as living abroad with The Embassy to get that letter confirming income?
I got an Affirmation of Freedom to marry a few years ago. Paid my 3,750 B (or whatever) and that was it. Not necessary to register with them.
So, if I need a letter to confirm my income, surely I just pay the money and that's it. I walk out with the letter and a nice big official stamp. It's a consular service - as is registration, if you want to do it.
I'm pretty sure that you havn't registered just by using a consular service. I got a new passport from them some 6 years ago - no registration. Just a consular service again.
If you look at The Embassy's website, you'll see the information that's necessary to register. I've done it online (although I won't have any pension to worry about). Next of kin, their contact details, spouse details, address in Thailand, tel no. email address etc etc. If you havn't given that info, you're not registered.
After all, it could be that you're only going to stay here for a year and find it more convenient to get a retirement visa than do any border runs.
Just a thought. Must admit I'm not 100% sure, but I think it unlikely that you become registered just by using one of the many consular services.
Hence my original question.
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Post by sargeant »

I am only refereing to the State pension and it doesnt matter how they find out or presume you are living abroad.
I as you say Lomu have never registered at the Kremlin Wireless Road other than to renew a passport 6 years ago and the ret visa letter 3/4 years ago and yet suddenly out of the blue i get a CORRECTLY addressed letter to my new home from the embassy telling me my sister was trying to contact me (i am registered with the pessabahn hua hin)
So my advice is dont presume that they dont data base everything and that a formal ceremony of registration is necessary all your details will have gone into the Embassey cyber thingy and is then available to access by all and sundry
Personally i dont see any problem as it can only effect the state pension increases and it comes back to the same thing all the time if they are here and breaking rules and laws of thailand or any other country stop doing it and for gods sake stop whining when they are caught
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Post by lomuamart »

Fair enough. That's interesting and I think one of the big words in your post was - PRESUME. Good old 1984, eh? Big Brother's watching and presuming.
As I said, it makes no difference to me as I'll be entitled to virtually nothing pension-wise, but it will to others like HHTel.
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Post by Digger »

[quote="sargeant"]HHtel is correcct if you are registered as living abroad through the embassy any future increases on your state pension ceases

Would really appreciate if you could expand on this point that you are so adamant about
Who in the uk embassy in wireless road scans a list of all uk nationals registered with them as living in Thailand and Emails it to pensions department of National insurance.I think no one.Deception breeds paranoia.The Uk embassy no doubt has a serious agenda in BKK but helping NI catch citizens who are not exactly being truthful about their actual residence I doubt is one of them.I have a feeling that all incumbents in wireless road are all actually like us and have a loathing for big brother type activities.
most posters on this site seem to imagine that their is some huge big brother machine tracking all their movements.We are trivia in their eyes.Think on this while it is home office not foreign office problem,that beast actually has no idea who has entered the UK legally or illegally,has no database to hold all this imformation and cannot keep track of illegals who are jailed and subject to deportation so they walk free from the scrubs the day their sentence is completed.As Reid said the home office is unfit for service so best to assume that Foreign office is the same,Enjoy your time in Thailand whether retired or just scratching an existence,not filling in tax returns or mileading NI over pension criteria,your chances of ever being found out as misleading the authorities are practically zero.You earned it so you spend it.Have to agree with Lomu,why register at the Uk embassy anyway,only real advantage is if yoo reside in a country that is seriouslñy in turmoil it may help you to get on an RAF evacuation flight but do not really think Thailand falls into that category.Nigeria maybe
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Post by sargeant »

Digger i spent a whole yeare 1996 talking with inland revenue and still have the paperwork to prove that i was zero rated for tax as of 30th dec 1997 (even the ombudsman agreed) But it did not stop some jobsworth ARS%^$% 2 years later to start taxing me
How the hell do you think he found out where i was the only single contact i had with the U.K. was my ATM card
My nephew was asked to try and contact me by his mum as my dad had died one i emphasise one e-mail to the kremlin and 3 days later i had a letter compete with embassey markings arrived at my new home only contact with the kremlin with that address (the letter for my retirement Visa) now you work it out
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Post by HHTel »

I think this is a hoot but relevant to the 'Big Brother' theory. I have a couple of friends here who have successfully claimed their 'cold weather allowance'. 200 quid is a few good nights out over here. However, after a couple of years, both of them had a letter pointing out that 'You live in Thailand and are not eligible'. Even though they used a UK address and bank account.
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Post by Onlyme »

It's not rocket science!
If you are using an ATM to withdraw money or having money deposited to Thialand..............
I have a friend living here, he initially moved to Cyprus and paid Cypriot taxes on his pension, he was well in pocket. Cyprus has a reciprocal tax agreement with the UK, Thailand doesn't.
I also know many Ex UK residents that live here and are married to Thai's, they are not bothered about the tax situation or the loss of cold weather payments, nor their frozen state payments as they receive about 200 GBP per month to support their spouse! They'd have to live a long time to get that much extra on their index linked!!! :D
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Post by HHTel »

Not sure I understand you, onlyme. Not bothered about anything because they receive 200 pounds a month to support their wife! From where?
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Post by sargeant »

Thats rocket science to me ie pom mai khoa jai
200 quid a month is 14,000 baht a month
I couldnt live on that thats for sure ????
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Post by HHTel »

I agree Sargeant. Even double that would be stretching it. Hope he comes back to explain. He seems to imply that it comes from thin air somewhere. Wouldn't mind some beer money from that source!!
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Post by Onlyme »

HHTel. I think you owe me a pint or two. I will come and visit you and anyone else in Huahin who needs the low-down regarding UK citizens 65 and over with a Thai spouse. You can legally claim (as long as you are legitimally married to a Thai) in excess of 200 UK GBP per month ( dependant upon your NI payments). That is why nobody is bothered about their payments being FROZEN in the UK, Simpler....If you were 65 and let's say on a frozen pension of about 85 UK GBP per week, how long would it take you to accrue the 200 UK GBP per month extra on an indexed linked UK pension?
You Guys need to get a grip!
Onlyme. :D
PS. I assume that Sarge is retired from the UK, living in Thailand with his legitimate Thai spouse on a frozen UK pension and not receiving a monthly income for supporting her? If so, you need to do some serious reading!
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Post by sargeant »

Sory onlyme but you presume wrong
I am retired (EARLY 50 ) on my private company pension i do not pay NI stamp but i do pay tax i am not living with my legal thai wife and i am only 59 years old
A Greatfull Guest of Thailand
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