Catch Them While They Are Young

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Catch Them While They Are Young

Post by GLCQuantum »

Thought this post would be beneficial for members or future members on the forum to give an insight into the way most Thai nationals will teach thai or farang children how to speak English.

As stated before, parents have different needs concerning their child.

Some parents want them to speak Thai very well as they have no intention of leaving the country but in doing so are giving the child no option at all of working in the international arena.

Others are looking for their child to speak English to give the child the best chance possible in achieving international status.

The letter below was a response to a recent disagreement about the word 'fish' with a Thai English teacher at Salesian School.

You wrote:
“Thank you for your advice. When I teach the students to know about grammar, I wish them to know only the basic because they are too young. Before I teach, I ask the foreigner teacher and I explain the student to know about the meaning of fish and fishes".

Fish (Pl) is for a lot of fish, but fishes is for many kinds of fishâ€
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Post by PeteC »

This subject is dear to my heart as in a year or so my daughter will be starting in kindergarten at a British international school. At the ripe age of 23 months now, she understands every English word I say, but her answers and comments mostly come out in Thai. Understandable as she hears Thai 90% of the time everyday. It's a labor of love for me to sit her down on my lap and play word association games everyday for an hour or two. I'm probably doing it wrong but it's fun. This morning I cooked some peas to have with breakfast. She loves peas, but when we got into the "word games" she got confused between this vegetable she was eating, an elder person and a ghost/monster...LOL. Forget about tone, she's too young,....just focus on the word.

Thai has dozens of simple one or two syllable words that have a totally different meaning in English. Simple example again, a bear is a "me", when I ask her to please give "me" the TV remote, she looks at a Chinese glass mural we have here with Panda bear in it before she looks at the "remote" :shock: She understands, just seems to be a bunch of random noodles swirling in her head right now between the two languages.

I've always been terrible at languages, even Thai as I am a victim of translating from any language into English in my head and then back again before the answer comes out in the language we are speaking. I did this with Spanish, French, German and Latin....and also Thai forever. It is the kiss of death. You'll never be fluent or even be able to sustain a train of thought about the subject that way. I agree with what your saying QLC. Pete :cheers:

PS: However, I've always said "many kinds of dogs and many kinds of cats" but never "many kinds of fishes"....although when in a restaurant you could say "many kinds of dishes?", which could mean the food or the platter ware?..... :D :D
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Post by DawnHRD »

Being the pedant that I am, I looked up "fish" in the Concise Oxford English Dictionary & it says that the plural is usually the same. I did this, because I have very rarely used the word "fishes" as a plural, having been taught not to. Seems that I was right. Fish is usually used as the plural & the singular form of the noun & the word "fishes" (as a noun) is rarely used.

As for teaching a foreign language, I agree completely with the immersion method. It's worked for my son, who is completely bilingual now at nearly 6. :mrgreen:
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Post by HHTel »

fish (fish) n., pl. fishes or collectively fish.


Usage: This word has two plural forms: fish and fishes. Fish is the more widely used, referring to fish viewed collectively (the fish in the sea, those fish are bad). Fishes is used in writing usually to emphasise individual fish or species of fish: the fishes pass through the hole one at a time. See also fruit.

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Post by DawnHRD »

HHTel wrote:fish (fish) n., pl. fishes or collectively fish.


Usage: This word has two plural forms: fish and fishes. Fish is the more widely used, referring to fish viewed collectively (the fish in the sea, those fish are bad). Fishes is used in writing usually to emphasise individual fish or species of fish: the fishes pass through the hole one at a time. See also fruit.

Not arguing, as there's every possibility that I don't use the word(s) in the correct way, but I find that usage interesting, as even in that sentence, I would use the collective "fish", not fishes. Is it one of those things that has changed over time? For instance, when I was taught, it was correct to say "You & I" when referring to yourself and another person, not "you & me", but now both are grammatically acceptable. Is the use of "fishes" something else that used to be wrong but is now right?
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Post by HHTel »

Don't know if the word has any history, Dawn. Just took it straight from the dictionary.
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Post by JD »

DawnHHDRC wrote:
Not arguing, . . .
Best not let this discussion get heated. We don't want anybody ending up 'Swimming with the Fishes' :thumb:
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Post by Terry »

Fish Is Fish Are Fish Or Fishes it


Both my boys are now bi lingual at the age of 6(next week) and 9 (in September.

They talk to me in English and their mother in Thai & English.

I've expressed my views on other threads regarding the merits of overall educationin local or 'English Programmes', but suffice to say that the younger the better, to get the language skills hammered into their heads.


It’s well known that children have the ability to learn another language as a native speaker between the ages of 3 and 7/8 years. After that, another language can only be learnt as a second language. During those years they have what I will call an LAD (Language Acquisition Device).


I recall reading this in a child education publication some time ago and am sure that it is very true from the experiences that I have had.
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Post by Surf FM »

What a load of codswallop.
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Post by Wanderlust »

The question I want answered is do I need a licence for my pet fish, Eric? I bought one for my other two fishes, Matt and Dave, but someone told me I had been had. Was the fish inspector lying to me? :o
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Post by Terry »

Sounds fishy to me
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Post by Wanderlust »

Maybe the English teachers should use this traditional Northumbrian folk song to help them along?

Come here, maw little Jacky,
Now aw've smoked mi backy,
Let's hev a bit o' cracky,
Till the boat comes in.

Dance ti' thy daddy, sing ti' thy mammy,
Dance ti' thy daddy, ti' thy mammy sing;
Thou shall hev a fishy on a little dishy,
Thou shall hev a fishy when the boat comes in.

Here's thy mother humming,
Like a canny woman;
Yonder comes thy father,
Drunk - he cannot stand.

Dance ti' thy daddy, sing ti' thy mammy,
Dance ti' thy daddy, ti' thy mammy sing;
Thou shall hev a fishy on a little dishy,
Thou shall hev a haddock when the boat comes in.

Our Tommy's always fuddling,
He's so fond of ale,
But he's kind to me,
I hope he'll never fail.

Dance ti' thy daddy, sing ti' thy mammy,
Dance ti' thy daddy, ti' thy mammy sing;
Thou shall hev a fishy on a little dishy,
Thou shall hev a bloater when the boat comes in.

I like a drop mysel',
When I can get it sly,
And thou, my bonny bairn,
Will lik't as well as I.

Dance ti' thy daddy, sing ti' thy mammy,
Dance ti' thy daddy, ti' thy mammy sing;
Thou shall hev a fishy on a little dishy,
Thou shall hev a mackerel when the boat comes in.

May we get a drop,
Oft as we stand in need;
And weel may the keel row
That brings the bairns their bread.

Dance ti' thy daddy, sing ti' thy mammy,
Dance ti' thy daddy, ti' thy mammy sing;
Thou shall hev a fishy on a little dishy,
Thou shall hev a salmon when the boat comes in.

I have heard that song so many times before (when watching the BBC series 'When The Boat Comes In' during the '70s) but never realised what the words were! I'll bet the Thais would like it if it could ever be translated... :cheers:
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Post by HHTel »

Last word........(or maybe not!!)

Of Fishes

A fish can never be a pet,
like dogs and cats and silly parrots,
because his home is always wet
and he despises peas and carrots.

I hope that you now understand
why no one walks with fishes ever,
all pets can spend their time on land
or swim in water, which is clever.

A fish will swallow in the end
a silver, extra sharpened hook.
No fish will ever be a friend
to anybody but a cook.

This Will Make The Fishes Happy.

Son and dad
Headed to the lake
With 2 rods and some bait
To enjoy fishing in the summer break.

Son and dad went head to head,
Competition it is, they both said.
Catching the biggest fish was the criteria to win
Drowning their rods in the water they let the challenge begin.

Each keeping as quite as can be
To avoid shooing away the fish and see them flee.
The dad's rod wobbled, he caught a fish
It was big as big as every competitor's wish.

'I won, I won' dad declared
All the son did was to stare.
He had to win this fishing war
so he chalked out a plan no less than bizarre.

The father walked back home with the big fish
But the winner was the son, thus fulfilled was his wish.
The son walked back home with pride
For he had caught a bigger fish thanks to the plan he applied.

The collar of the father's shirt was hooked to the son's rod
His dad was his 'big catch', his plan i applaud.
To win the challenge his wit was all it took
thus defying fishing tips from every book.

The fishes will love you if you hear me today,
Follow your wit like the son in the story did is what i have to say.
Just catch your dad, son or whoever it maybe
But leave the poor fishes alone, happy they'll surely be.

(11 May,2006)

The Miracle of
2 fishes
and 5 loafs of bread.

One bright day Jesus took his apostles into the desert to teach them privately...
However, as they went the people heard and started to follow them.
The sick, the weary of heart, and the curious followed into the desert hoping for miracles or just simply to understand;
Jesus welcomed all of them. He told them about the kingdom of God and healed them of their sicknesses… Many hearts were changed that day!
As the sun began to set in the west, his apostles began to worry. “Lord shouldn’t we send the people away…so they can find food and a place to sleep?â€
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get them whilst there young

Post by K2OWN »


Whey Aye Man !!!!!! :D :cheers:
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